Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) Bursary South Africa

Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) Bursary South Africa


The Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa Limited (IDC) is a development finance firm, whose aim it is to promote industrial development and economic growth. The South African government-owned organisation was founded in 1940 and is under the supervision of the Economic Development Department (EDD).
IDC have setup a bursary scheme to assist academically gifted learners with their tertiary education, focusing mainly on students who wish to pursue their studies in commerce, science, engineering and law.


The bursary will be awarded to students who are studying or intend on studying full-time within one of the following fields:

  • Analytical Chemistry
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Electronic Engineering
  • Geology
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Metallurgy Engineering
  • Mining Engineering

Applied Commercial Sciences:

  • Accountancy (CA)
  • Agriculture
  • Computer Science
  • Environmental Science
  • Information Systems
  • Information Technology
  • Investment Management

The following expenses will be covered by the bursary programme: tuition, prescribed books, accommodation and meal allowance.
Once students have graduated, they will be required to work for IDC for an amount of time equal to that of their bursary awarded.


Applicants must satisfy the following minimum entry criteria before applying:

  • South African citizen,
  • Achieved a minimum “B” symbol in Matric Mathematics and Science,
  • Qualify for University/ University of Technology/ TVET admission,
  • Studying (or intend on studying) full-time in one of the above fields, at a recognised South African tertiary institution (students who are studying at a college will not be eligible to apply),
  • Students who have completed one or more years of study may apply based on their Matric and latest results,
  • Current students must have completed and passed all prior subjects.


Download the Industrial Development Corporation Bursary Application Form (pdf).
Completed application forms must be delivered to:
Industrial Development Corporation (IDC)
PO Box 784055
OR Fax no: 086 210 3653/ 3197
OR Email:


31 May annually.