Baptist Theological College of Southern Africa Courses Offered
Below are list of Baptist Theological college of southern Africa courses offered
Diploma in Theology
This programme is designed to train Christians in the areas of church ministry, cross-cultural missions and youth ministry.Certificate in Ministry
A programme designed for Christians wishing to equip themselves in a specific area of Christian ministry; namely, church ministry, cross-cultural missions, or youth ministry. This certificate is primarily for individuals who have done other training, and who are looking for a specific focus.Certificate in Theology
A program designed to give Christians an introduction to the various theological disciplines and ministry skills, the Certificate is the first step - Postgraduate
Bachelor of Theology
The premier programme of the College, designed to further train Christians in the areas of church ministry, cross-cultural missions and youth ministry.Master of Theology
Our Masters program is researched based which means it does not interrupt ongoing ministerial engagements. It also has potential to engage a candidate in areas of ministerial concern whose findings can immediately be incorporated. With options to major in Youth, Pastoral, Biblical and Missions Studies, the candidate has access to a specialist’s guidance on a personal level which enables quality input and ensures a good product. - Distance Learning