Admission or entry requirement to University Of Venda School of Law
Admission of Students
- No person shall be enrolled for a module for any degree, diploma or certificate unless s/he has satisfied all the requirements as determined in the rules of the School concerned.
- Subject to the provisions of the Act and of the Statute and these regulations, a student shall comply with the following requirements for admission:
- A person applying for admission as a student shall submit, together with his application form, testimonial of good conduct acceptable to the Council.
- A person applying for admission as a student shall sit for an admission examination, if the Council so requires.
- Before a student is permitted to register for a particular module, he may be required to submit satisfactory proof of good health.
- A Student shall produce a matriculation certificate or exemption certificate referred to in the Act, or any other certificate which serves as a requirement for admission to a particular module of study, to the Registrar before 15 May of the year in which s/he is registered as a student for the first time, unless the Registrar grants him/her an extension of time.
- Any person who registers as a student at the University for the first time shall produce his/her identity document to the Registrar when s/he presents himself for registration.
- A student shall after registration be subject to the rules and regulations applicable to students on and off the campus.
- A student shall be registered when his application for admission as a student has been approved.
- Residential arrangements made by students for the duration of the University year shall be subject to the approval of the Council.
- Before a person has been registered as student, he may attend lectures only with the permission of the Registrar.
Section 24 of the Act: Admission of students ad eundem gradum for special modules of study and degrees
A person who has graduated at another university or who z to provide satisfactory proof of his or her academic abilities may, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Act, be specially exempted by the Committee of Principals(SAUVCA) under Section 7(1)(e) of the University.
Act from compliance with the requirements prescribed for admission to study for a degree under Section 7(1)(d) of the said Act.
Section 25 of the Act: Admission to equivalent status
Subject to the provision of the Statute, the Council may on the recommendation of the Senate
- Admit the graduate of any other university or university institution to a status at University equivalent to that which he possessed at such other university or university institution;
- Admit a candidate for the honours degree or for the degree of master or doctor of the University any person who, at any other university institution or at any university considered by the Senate to be equivalent to the University, has passed such examinations as in the opinion of the Senate are equivalent to or higher than the examinations prescribed for a degree of the University which is a prerequisite for such honours.