GSB Finance, Contracts and Risk Mitigation for Private Power Investment in Africa

GSB Finance, Contracts and Risk Mitigation for Private Power Investment in Africa

Sub-Saharan Africa is plagued by a severe shortage of power, with far-reaching consequences for social and economic development. Governments are unable to mobilise sufficient capital and as a result, private independent power projects (IPPs) are now one of the fastest growing new sources of investment in the sector.
A strategic area of concern is the lack of capacity and experience in the key areas of project finance, associated contracts such as Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs), and risk mitigation measures – including credit enhancement, security measures, and political insurance.
To plug this skills gap and unlock growth and investment in the sector, the Management Programme in Infrastructure Reform and Regulation (MIR) at the University of Cape Town Graduate School of Business, is offering this specialised short course on “Finance, Contracts and Risk Mitigation for Private Power Projects in Africa”.
The course will cover both theory and practice in power sector financing and a number of Africa-specific case studies will facilitate participant learning. The core elements of Requests for Proposals, PPAS, Implementation Agreements, and Direct Agreements, amongst other contracts, will also be covered as well key measures to de-risk projects. In addition to grid-connected projects (including the breakthrough of renewable energy projects), the course will also explore case studies in captive power projects, minigrid projects and stand-alone systems.

Is this course for me?

Board members, managers and staff in utilities, government, regulatory authorities, and a range of professionals in the private sector, including project developers, financiers, legal and technical advisors, consultants and civil society could all benefit greatly from this course.

Key take-outs

  • Explore international and regional best practice for private sector power investments.
  • Gain the skills and knowledge to understand and analyse private power investments in Sub-Saharan Africa.
  • Gain a detailed understanding of project finance, key project contracts and risk mitigation & credit enhancement measures.
  • Facilitate the development of a peer network for on-going knowledge exchange.

Course information

This course runs in Cape Town on the GSB campus situated near the Cape Town Waterfront. For more information please contact the Executive Education department at the UCT Graduate School of Business on 0860 UCT GSB or email
20 – 24 November 2024
Application Deadline:
20 October 2024
Tuition Fee:
R25 650