Stellenbosch University Journalism Bursaries

Stellenbosch University Journalism Bursaries


​​​​​​The department of Journalism is in the privileged position of having a number of bursaries and awards on offer for its honours students (BA Honours Journalism), sponsored by the department and various media institutions.
The following bursaries are available to students:

  1. ​Media24 sponsors a number of bursaries for (mostly previously disadvantaged) journalism students every year. You need to send in your formal application form to the Registrar (see online application form) by 31 August and inform the department that you are interested in the bursary. Media24 selects its candidates after the final class group for a particular year has been announced.
  2.  The Aggrey Klaaste Bursary, co-sponsored by The Sowetan and the Department to a previously disadvantaged student in the BA Honours class; apply to the Chair, Department of Journalism (see contact details). NB: you also need to send in your formal application form to the Registrar (see online application form) by 31 August.
  3. The Percy Qoboza scholarship to a student in the BA Hons class every year – sponsored by Media24 and the department. Applications will only be accepted after the final class group for a particular year has been announced.
  4. Students can also apply to the Bursary Department of the University for merit bursaries, etc. See​
For more information about any of the above bursaries, feel free to contact the department at +27 21 808-3488,
BA Hons Journalism students can compete for the following awards every year:
  • The Car prize, sponsored by Ramsay Media for the year’s top student;
  • The Rowland Hill award – the Golden Pen – for the best in-depth project;
  • ​The Piet Cillié​ prize for formulation and style;
  • ​The Ton Vosloo prize for creativity and innovation;
  • The ORMS photography prize for the best photography portfolio;
  • The Christiana Scott prize for Science Journalism, sponsored by Prof G Claassen, former Head and lecturer in Science and Technology Journalism. ​
MA and PhD Journalism students can apply for bursaries through the University’s Bursary Department (see​).
MA Journalism students compete for the following awards every year:
  • The Golden Pen Award for the top Master’s student

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