Johannesburg School of Flying English Language Proficency Test

Johannesburg School of Flying English Language Proficency Test

Aviation English Language Proficiency Test

All pilots must be able to understand and use the ICAO phraseology as well as international common practised English. This test evaluates and assesses the following skills:
•   Pronunciation
•   Structure
•   Vocabulary
•   Fluency
•   Comprehension
•   Interactions

ICAO Rating

Level 6 – Expert
Level 5 – Extended
Level 4 – Operational
Level 3 – Pre-operational
Level 2 – Elementary
Level 1 – Pre-elementary


No retest needed
6 years
3 years


*ICAO Level 3 or below indicates that the candidate is not fulfilling the Aviation English Language Proficiency requirements and needs additional English language training before being reassessed.