Johannesburg School of Flying Foreign Licence Validation

Johannesburg School of Flying Foreign Licence Validation

Foreign Licence Validation

Foreign Pilot Licenses in South Africa

Foreign Pilot licenses can either be validated or converted irrespective of the country of issue; for private Hire & Fly use, continuation of pilot training or career advancement in South Africa. Each validation or conversion case is assessed individually by the SACAA Licensing Department and can be contacted on 0027 11 545 1000 for more details.
The following are a general guideline to validate or convert a foreign license:

Requirements for Foreign License Validation


i. Certified copy of the last 12 months summary of Logbook with endorsements of: all class/type ratings and of last revalidation of license, class/type and Instrument flight ratings.
ii. Certified copy of Foreign License
iii. Valid South African Medical certificate
iv. Proof of English Language Proficiency
v. Successfully pass the Airlaw or Airlaw & Procedure (for IR licenses) online examination
vi Attend a tutorial & briefing on the differences in airspaces and SA terminology, and on performance planning, taking into account the effects of density altitude
vii Dual assessment and preparation flying (if necessary)
viii Undergo a skills test flight


Requirements for Foreign License Conversion


i. Letter of motivation for conversion of foreign license
ii. Up to date Curriculum Vitae (CV)
iii. Certified copy of the last 12 months summary of Logbook with endorsements of: all class/type ratings and of last revalidation of license, class/type and Instrument flight ratings.
iv. Certified copy of Foreign License
v. Valid South African Medical certificate
vi Proof of English Language Proficiency
vii Successfully pass the Meteorology, Flight Performance & Planning, Airlaw or Airlaw & Procedure (for IR licenses) online examinations
viii Attend a tutorial & briefing
ix Dual assessment and preparation flying (if necessary)
x Undergo a skills test flight


Validity of South African Pilot Licenses Worldwide

Pilot Licenses issued in South Africa are ICAO compliant and recognised worldwide. Licenses can either be validated for a certain period or converted all together, i.e. into FAA or JAR licenses. The exact requirements vary in each country and can be enquired at the Aviation Authority of the country you wish to fly in.