Elizabeth Beauty School Distance Programmes

Elizabeth Beauty School Distance Programmes

We are very excited to announce our Distance Learning courses/modules. Distance Learning is a combination of e-learning (via emails) and in-class sessions. Any Learning course/module can be done via Distance Learning.
The duration of the course depends on how much time you have to spend on it, as it is correspondence. It is very difficult to estimate this as each student’s pace is different.
Distance Learning works as follows:
1. The Learner enrols and pays the non-refundable enrolment fee of R1 000,00 (which forms part of the Course fees).
2. The Learner completes and returns the required Registration Form and pays the course fees, books, kits in full before the course starts.
3. We send the Learner all the manuals/text book.
4. The Learner receives the kit when attending the first practical block at the school in Port Elizabeth.
5. The Lecturer will correspond with the Learner via email, guiding the Learner through the material until a section of work has been completed.
6. The Lecturer emails the Learner an assignment in the form of a worksheet or task or test regarding the completed section.
7. The Learner completes the assignment and sends it back.
8. The Lecturer marks the assignment and if the Learner is found competent in this section, then the next section sent via email is completed in the same manner.
9. Case studies (where applicable) to be completed.
10. When the Learner has been found competent in all the sections an arrangement is made for practical attendance of the specific module. Block periods of one or two to four weeks at a time (depending on the module(s) enrolled for) will be allocated which is compulsory for the Learner to attend at the school.
11. During these block periods the Learner will write tests and focus on practical assessments.
12. After completion of the required number of hours (depending on the module) the Learner writes a Theory Examination and does a Practical Examination.
13. If found competent the Learner will receive an Elizabeth Beauty School Certificate.
14. The Learner has the option to then apply to do an International Examination on which the Learner will be assessed to decide whether the Learner is a competent candidate based on performance throughout the course.
15. If the Learner is found to be a competent candidate for International Examination we allow the Learner to do an additional International Theory and Practical Examination, assessed by an International Examiner allocated by ITEC during November/December.
16. This International Examination has an additional cost.
17. If the Learner is found competent by the International Examiner, the Learner receives an International Award.