Nkangala TVET College Bursaries

Nkangala TVET College Bursaries

Bursary Information & Applications

The following bursaries are available for the qualification:

Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) Further Education and Training (FET) College Bursary Scheme. It covers Registration, Tuition, Accommodation and Transport allowance.

Who qualifies for this bursary?
  • A South African Citizen
  • Registered at a public South African Further Education and Training College.
  • Registered for the National Certificate (Vocational) or Report 191 (Nated) only on Full-Time basis
Would you be granted a busrsary the following year if you fail in your studies?
South Africa is a country with scarce financial resources; as such it is important that recipient of any form of financial assistance should perform well academically. The F.E.T. Colleges Bursary Scheme is targeted not only at assisting needy students but it is also a means to address the skills shortages that are prevalent in our country.
These skills shortages cannot be addressed without encouraging academic excellence. A student who fails in his/her academic studies would thus not receive a bursary in the subsequent year.

These bursaries are applied for at all campuses of Nkangala F.E.T Colleges in the country.

The process is as follows:

Collect an application form from a Student Support Officer at any campus of Nkangala F.E.T. College

  • Fill in the information that is required
  • Make sure that you have all the supporting documents required. Such as:
  • Acertified copy of your identity document
  • Identity document (s) of parents or guardian
  • Proof of income (Salary/Pension/Statement) or sworn affidavits if proof not available.
Do i have to repay this bursary upon completing my studies?
No, unlike a loan, the F.E.T. Colleges bursary is a 100% bursary and not repayable. All you have to do is ensure that you excel in your studies.
Application & Admission Requirements
  • Fill in the information that is required
  • Make sure that you have all the supporting documents required. Such as:
  • Acertified copy of your identity document
  • Identity document (s) of parents or guardian
  • Proof of income (Salary/Pension/Statement) or sworn affidavits if proof not available.
Note the following Terms and Conditions:
Bursary recipients who switch from one programme to another (i.e. from NC (V) to Report 191 N1-N3 or vice-versa) during the course of their studies are not eligible for financial assistance. Furthermore, bursary recipients who complete NC(V) Level 4 are not eligible for financial assistance should they want to enroll for Report 191 N1-N3; similarly bursary recipients who complete Report 191 N6 are not eligible for financial assistance should they want to enroll for a NC(V) programme.