Free Legal Services In South Africa

Free legal services entail the provision of free legal aid in civil and criminal matters for those poor and marginalized people who cannot afford the services of a lawyer for the conduct of a case or a legal proceeding in any court, tribunal or before an authority.

Free Legal Services In South Africa

Legal Aid South Africa

Phone: 011 877 2000

Legal Aid South Africa Cape Town Local Office

Phone: 021 426 4126


Phone: 011 339 6080

UWC Legal Aid Clinic

Phone: 021 959 2756

Legal Aid SA KZN Provincial Office

Phone: 031 717 8450

Legal Aid South Africa Umlazi Local Office

Phone: 031 942 1002

Legal Aid South Africa – Pietermaritzburg Local Office

Phone: 033 394 2190

Legal Aid South Africa – Athlone Justice Centre

Phone: 033 394 2190

Legal Aid South Africa- Stellenbosch Justice Centre

Phone: 033 394 2190

Women’s Legal Centre

Phone: 021 424 5660

Are there free lawyers in South Africa?

If you cannot afford the services of an attorney there are various options: Legal Aid South Africa. Pro bono (free) legal services by attorneys; administered by the Legal Practice Council.

How much does it cost to consult a lawyer in South Africa?

Written opinions and advice will also be charged at R2,200.00 per hour (senior consultant) R1,500.00 per hour (consultant) R1,100.00 per hour (junior consultant). A deposit is required if instructions are received from a litigant and not directly from an attorney firm.

How can I get legal advice in South Africa?

For legal advice and assistance with appointments and legal aid applications, you can call the toll-free Advice Line on 0800 110 110 or send a Please Call Me to 079 835 7179. Office hours are Monday-Thursday, 8am-4pm and Fridays, 8am-3pm.

How much do attorneys charge in South Africa?

27.34% of the respondents indicated that they charged less than R1000 per hour with one or two saying that they charge less than R200 per hour. 21.72% answered that they charged between R1000 and R1500 per hour, 39.70% charged between R1500 and R2000 per hour and 11.24% saying they charged more than R2000.