Aeronav Academy Foreign Licence Validation And Conversion
The director of the SACAA may recognise, through temporary licence validation or permanent licence conversion (on the conditions prescribed in Part 61) pilot licences and ratings issued by the appropriate authority of contracting states provided the standard of such foreign licences or rating is deemed to be the equivalent to, or higher than that of the South African Licence or rating.
A person who holds a current and valid pilot licence issued by a contracting state (issued in accordance with ICAO Annex 1 to the Convention) may apply for a validation or conversion of their pilot licence and associated ratings for the use of aircraft registered in South Africa.
Where the country of issue is not a contracting state or does not comply with ICAO Annexes 1 & 6 to the Convention then the foreign licence holder must undergo bridging training and thereafter further assessment of competence to ensure compatibility with the relevant South African licence standards.
A foreign licence or rating shall only be validated or converted provided the minimum experience requirements for the issue of the applicable licence or rating have been met. The applicant shall be required to attend training at an approved Aviation Training Organisation and receive tuition at the discretion of the Chief Flight Instructor with respect to differences in South African airspaces, flight performance and planning and typical South African weather patterns. The CFI shall only issue a letter of recommendation once he is satisfied that the applicant’s knowledge of these topics is sufficient. This letter of recommendation is necessary for the applicant to gain entry to the SACAA online examinations.
Validation of a Private Pilot Licence (VFR)
The applicant must have:
- Attended a tutorial conducted by at least a Grade III flight instructor at an approved Aviation Training Organisation on the differences in airspaces and terminology within South Africa.
- Received a briefing on performance planning taking into account the effect of density altitude.
- Written a South African Civil Aviation Authority PPL Air Law examination at an approved examination centre.
- Undergone the appropriate skills test.
Validation of a Private Pilot Licence (IR
The applicant must have:
- Attended a tutorial conducted by at least a Grade II flight instructor at an approved Aviation Training Organisation on the differences in airspaces and terminology within South Africa.
- Received a briefing on performance planning taking into account the effect of density altitude.
- Written a South African Civil Aviation Authority PPL Air Law and an Operational Procedures exam at an approved examination centre.
- Undergone the appropriate skills test
Validation of a Commercial Pilot Licence (VFR)
The applicant must have:
- Written a South African Civil Aviation Authority CPL Air Law examination at an approved examination centre.
- Undergone the appropriate skills test.
Validation of a Commercial Pilot Licence (IR)
The applicant must have:
- Written a South African Civil Aviation Authority CPL Air Law & CPL Operational Procedures Examination at an approved examination centre.
- Undergone the appropriate skills test.
Validation of an Airline Transport Pilot Licence
- Written a South African Civil Aviation Authority ATPL Air Law and ATPL Operational Procedures examination at an approved examination centre.
- Undergone the appropriate skills test.
If the applicant is the holder of a validation issued in terms of the Air Navigation Regulations of 1976 for an uninterrupted period of three years or more and has acquired no less than 750 hours flight time in those three years then the applicant is deemed to meet the theoretical knowledge and practical skills requirement for Part 61. If the applicant does not meet the above requirements then the following is required for each respective licence.
Foreign Licence Conversion – Private Pilot Licence
The applicant must have:
- Written the South African Civil Aviation PPL Meteorology, Flight Performance and Planning and Air law Examinations at an approved test centre. If an instrument rating is required as part of the licence then an Operational Procedures exam is also to be completed.
- Undergone the appropriate skills test.
Foreign Licence Conversion – Commercial Pilot Licence
The applicant must have:
- Written the South African Civil Aviation CPL Meteorology, Flight Performance and Planning and Air law Examinations at an approved test centre. If an instrument rating is required as part of the licence then an Operational Procedures exam is also to be completed.
- Undergone the appropriate skills test.
Foreign Licence Conversion – Airline Transport Pilot Licence
The applicant must have:
- Written the South African Civil Aviation ATPL Meteorology, Flight Performance and Planning and Air law and Operational Procedures Examinations at an approved test centre.
- Undergone the appropriate skills test.