Aviation colleges and flying schools in South Africa

Aviation colleges and flying schools in South Africa

Aviation is the practical aspect or art of aeronautics, being the design, development, production, operation and use of aircraft, especially heavier than air aircraft. The word aviation was coined by French writer and former naval officer Gabriel La Landelle in 1863,from the verb avier (synonymous flying), itself derived from the Latin word avis(“bird”) and the suffix -ation.There are about 23 Aviation colleges and flying schools in South Africa ,and they are listed below;
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Johannesburg School of Flying | Flight Training Academy
43 Air School: Flight School | Professional Pilot Training
Gauteng Flight Schools and Pilot Training (PPL, CPL, ATPL)
Pretoria Flight Schools and Pilot Training (PPL, CPL, ATPL)
Flight Training South Africa Pilot Training Garden Route
Paramount Aviation Academy
Bluechip Flight School
AIFA: International Flight Training Academy
Cape Town Flight Training Centre
Pilot Licence Training In South Africa
Progress Flight Academy
Madiba Bay School of Flight
Virginia Flight School
Pietermaritzburg Aero Club |Flight School 
EPT Aviation Training Home
Aeronav Academy
Morningstar Flight Academy
Border Aviation Club and Flight School
Epic Flight Academy
Stellenbosch Flight Academy (SFA)
Calcosa Aviation Training | Flight School
School of Aviation – Seneca