Cape Town Flight Training Centre

Cape Town Flight Training Centre

About Cape Town Flight Training Centre

You may be paying your own way. You may be sponsored by parents. You may be lucky enough to be commercially sponsored. Although there is no minimum educational requirement to get started, you will already have a high standard of self-discipline, a strong sense of responsibility and be dedicated to your goals. Contact us if you want the very best in flying training
CTFTC is committed to providing the highest standard of flight training available for those wishing to work towards their private or commercial Licence. 
We also offer a comprehensive range of services to qualified aviators who are interested in advancing their ability, or simply keeping their Licences current.
At CTFTC you will be personally guided through each stage of your training programme – from the first, introductory flight – all the way through to the day you receive your qualification.
Your training course will be customized according to your own time and financial constraints. Through the example set by our highly professional instructors, we wish to inspire each and every student to continually strive to improve his/her competency, either as a recreational or professional pilot.

We hope this website provides you with all you need know about us. However, we would love for you to come and visit us at Fisantekraal, discuss your objectives in person,and perhaps take an Introductory Flight to experience what flying is all about.
We look forward to meeting you!

Cape Town Flight Training Centre Courses Offered

  • Night Rating

The Night Rating is an adjunct to the PPL. Acquiring the Night Rating improves skill, discipline and standards of flying, and allows the pilot to make those early-morning departures or after-sunset returns that are so often required.
The prospective student must:
– Be in possession of a valid PPL.
– Undergo a total of 15 hours of dual training, comprised of instrument flying, night circuits
and night cross-country
– Pass a basic instrument flying (IF) skills test.
you should complete your Night Rating at CTFTC
– The safety of large open ground manouvring areas.
– Safe runway approaches with minimal obstacles.
– True night environment without light polution from surrounding built-up areas.
– Light airborne traffic.
– Immediate access to the General Flying Area.
Join now. Applications are accepted throughout the year. Contact us for an application form.

  • Instrument Rating

The Instrument Rating qualifies the Pilot to fly with sole reference to instruments under Instrument Flight Regulations (IFR) as would be required in Instrument Meteorological Conditions (IMC)
The prospective student must:
– Be in possession of a valid PPL.
– Have completed the Night Rating course.
– Obtain a General Radio operators Licence. (Course provided).
– Pass the CAA prescribed theoretical examinations (6). – Have accumulated a minimum of 100 hours
pilot-in-command (PIC)(of which 50 hours must be cross-country experience and a further 40 hours
of instrument flying (IF) of which 20 may be undertaken on CAA-approved flight simulators).
– Pass a practical flight test with a CAA examiner.
Renewal of the instrument rating requires maintaining a valid Pilot Licence by passing an annual flight test.
to complete your IF rating at CTFTC
– CTFTC operate several fully IFR equipped aircraft allowing us to practice actual NDB, VOR
and ILS approaches where many flying schools can only simulate them in a simulator.
– All navigation facilities are in close proximity to our home airfield (FAFK).
– Being based at FAFK, we can be established on the FACT ILS within 10 min of take off.
This is not even possible for aircraft based at Cape Town International.
– Proprietary training approaches allow us to practice uninterrupted when Cape Town ATC is busy.
– Wide open areas to practice simulated approaches clear of high terrain within a structured
environment under the supervision of a qualified Grade II flight instructor.
Join now. Applications are accepted throughout the year. Contact us for an application form.

  • Instructors Rating

Achieving the Instructors Rating allows the CPL-qualified pilot to teach others to fly, and to pass his professionalism, high standards and passion for flying on to others.
The prospective student must:
– Be in possession of a valid CPL.
– Pass the required CAA-prescribed theoretical examinations (2).
– Be able to prepare lectures and briefings of a suitable standard.
– Have accumulated 20 hours of ‘Patter’ (flight training).
– Obtain a letter of recommendation from a grade I or II instructor.
– Pass a practical flight test with CAA examiner.
Renewal of an instructors rating requires that the holder must have given a minimum of 20 hours instruction during the current year, and have passed a flight test after the 1st year, and thereafter every 3rd year. After qualifying as a Grade III instructor he/she may advance to Grade II, as experience develops
you should complete your Instructors Rating at CTFTC:
– In order to teach, first you must fully understand your craft. The CTFTC Flight Instructors Course
is both intensive and extensive, ensuring that a newly graduated Flight Instructor is fully prepared
to impart the knowledge he or she has acquired from day one.
– CTFTC is recognised by the SACAA as having some of the highest calibre instructors in
South Africa. In order to become the best you need to learn from the best.
– No shortcuts are taken to ensure you qualify as a safe and competent Grade III Flight Instructor.
Immediately upon completion of our course, you will be empowered to fit confidently into
the training environment.
– Join an elite team! Upon successful completion of the course, you will become eligible
for engagement as a Flight Instructor at CTFTC.
Join now. Applications are accepted throughout the year. Contact us for an application form.

  • Multi-Engine Rating

A Multi-Engine Rating qualifies the pilot to command aircraft having two or more engines..
The prospective student must:
– Hold, as a minimum, a valid PPL.
– Have completed a minimum of six hours flight training on multi-engine aircraft.
– Pass a practical flight test with a CAA-designated Examiner.
Join now. Applications are accepted throughout the year. Contact us for an application form.

Cape Town Flight Training Centre Contact Details

Contact Numbers
Tel : +27 (0) 21 976 7053
Cell: +27 (0) 84 4407922
Physical Address
PO Box 4252
Cape Town
South Africa
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