Details Of MMTI (Mineral Mining Training Institute) Apprenticeship Programme 2025/2026
What is an apprenticeship?
- Apprenticeship: refers to the traditional technical training system, including practical and theoretical components offered mostly in trade type occupations.
- An apprenticeship is a work-based route to learning and gaining a trade qualification.
What are the advantages of taking on an apprentice for my company?
- Higher availability of qualified workers for filling posts.
- Apprenticeships are created specifically to suite specific industry needs; you will have employees that are skilled for your industry.
- Improved job performance due to more up-skilled employees.
- Increased profit margins due to improved employee performance.
What is the process for undertaking apprentices?
- Employer is workplace approved by an ETQA to undertake apprentice training.
- Apprentice is indentured in a designated trade in terms of the Manpower Training Act provisions.
- A contract is signed by the employer and apprentice (guardian if under 18 years of age).
- All apprentices sign a contract with the relevant SETA.
- To qualify for a trade test one must have completed N2 certificate (4 subjects) including relevant trade test theory. An exemption to this requirement may be granted.
- Remissions of time may be granted under metal Chamber Conditions of Apprentices, if training Schedules / declarations are completed.
- Trade test application is made once all relevant training has been completed.
- Qualification obtained by national trade test at an accredited trade test centre.
If successful, award of a National trade test certificate by relevant SETA and the apprentice is deemed to be a qualified artisan.
What is the duration of an apprenticeship?
- A minimum of 80 weeks (subject to the completion of all the modules and work experience.
- A minimum of 40 weeks training in a training centre excluding trade test preparation and assessment.
- A maximum of four years.
What are the conditions of an apprenticeship?
- Minimum entry age – 16 years.
- Grade 9, English or Afrikaans, Maths or Science and 2 other subjects or 4 – subjects N1 with trade theory.
Diesel Mechanics
Description: |
Course Duration: |
1. Generic Training
- Induction
- Safety
- Basic First Aid training
- Basic Fire training
- Electrical Safety
15 Days |
2. Basic Workshop Practice:
- Materials, Engineering Drawings & Sketches
- Measuring and Measuring Equipment
- Marking Off
- Hand Tools
- Workshop Tools
25 Days |
3. Hand Skills:
- Fabricate a Project Applicable to the Trade
- Keys & Locking Devices
- Threads and Pitches
- Basic Bearing Maintenance
- Lubrication
- Allowances & Tolerances of Fits
- Basic Gas Cutting & Welding
- Basic Arc Welding
40 Days |
4. Intermediate Training
- Soft Solder
- Measuring Equipment (Trade)
- Servicing of Equipment
- Engines and Accessories
- Bearings
- Cooling Systems
55 Days |
5. Advanced Training
- Fuel Systems
- Turbochargers
- Blowers
- Gaskets & Seals
- Batteries
50 Days |
Fitter and Turner Apprenticeship
Description: |
Course Duration: |
1. Generic Training
- Induction
- Safety
- Basic First Aid training
- Basic Fire training
- Electrical Safety
15 Days |
2. Basic Workshop Practice:
- Materials, Engineering Drawings & Sketches
- Measuring and Measuring Equipment
- Marking Off
- Hand Tools
- Workshop Tools
25 Days |
3. Hand Skills:
- Fabricate a Project Applicable to the Trade
- Keys & Locking Devices
- Threads and Pitches
- Basic Bearing Maintenance
- Lubrication
- Allowances & Tolerances of Fits
- Basic Gas Cutting & Welding
- Basic Arc Welding
40 Days |
4. Intermediate Training
Bearings and Seals – Advanced
- Bearings, Lubrication and Assemblies
- Drawings and Sketches
- Workshop Tools
- Measuring Equipment
20 Days |
5. Marking Off Flanges
- Keys & Locking Devices
- Couplings and Installation off Machines
- Drives
- Chains
- “V” – Belts
20 Days |
6. Basic Machining
- Centre Lathe
- Milling Machine
35 Days |
7. Basic Rigging |
5 Days |
8. Advanced Training
Mechanical Fitting
- Pumps
- Brakes and Clutches
15 Days |
9. Hydraulics
10 Days |
10. Pneumatics
5 Days |
11. Mechanical Fitting and Turning
- Advanced Turning
- Advanced Milling
35 Days |
Fitter Apprenticeship
Description: |
Course Duration: |
1. Generic Training
- Induction
- Safety
- Basic First Aid training
- Basic Fire training
- Electrical Safety
15 Days |
2. Basic Workshop Practice:
- Materials, Engineering Drawings & Sketches
- Measuring and Measuring Equipment
- Marking Off
- Hand Tools
- Workshop Tools
25 Days |
3. Hand Skills:
- Fabricate a Project Applicable to the Trade
- Keys & Locking Devices
- Threads and Pitches
- Basic Bearing Maintenance
- Lubrication
- Allowances & Tolerances of Fits
- Basic Gas Cutting & Welding
- Basic Arc Welding
40 Days |
4. Intermediate Training
Bearings and Seals – Advanced
- Bearings, Lubrication and Assemblies
- Drawings and Sketches
- Workshop Tools
- Measuring Equipment
25 Days |
5. Marking Off Flanges
- Keys & Locking Devices
- Couplings and Installation off Machines
- Drives
- Chains
- “V” – Belts
30 Days |
6. Basic Rigging |
5 Days |
7. Advanced Training
Mechanical Fitting
- Pumps
- Brakes and Clutches
25 Days |
8. Hydraulics
10 Days |
9. Pneumatics
5 Days |
10. Mechanical Fitting and Turning
- Advanced Turning
- Advanced Milling
20 Days |
Turner Apprenticeship
Description: |
Course Duration: |
1. Generic Training
- Induction
- Safety
- Basic First Aid training
- Basic Fire training
- Electrical Safety
15 Days |
2. Basic Workshop Practice:
- Materials, Engineering Drawings & Sketches
- Measuring and Measuring Equipment
- Marking Off
- Hand Tools
- Workshop Tools
25 Days |
3. Hand Skills:
- Fabricate a Project Applicable to the Trade
- Keys & Locking Devices
- Threads and Pitches
- Basic Bearing Maintenance
- Lubrication
- Allowances & Tolerances of Fits
- Basic Gas Cutting & Welding
- Basic Arc Welding
40 Days |
4. Intermediate Training
Bearings and Seals – Advanced
- Bearings, Lubrication and Assemblies
- Drawings and Sketches
- Workshop Tools
- Measuring Equipment
15 Days |
5. Keys & Locking Devices |
5 Days |
6. Basic Machining
- Centre Lathe
- Milling Machine
35 Days |
7. Basic Rigging |
5 Days |
8. Advanced Training
Advanced Mechining
- Centre Lathe
- Milling Machine
35 Days |
9. Hydraulics
10 Days |
10. Pneumatics
5 Days |
11. Mechanical Fitting and Turning
- Advanced Turning
- Advanced Milling
35 Days |
Boilermaker Apprenticeship
Description: |
Course Duration: |
1. Generic Training
- Induction
- Safety
- Basic First Aid training
- Basic Fire training
- Electrical Safety
15 Days |
2. Basic Workshop Practice:
- Materials, Engineering Drawings & Sketches
- Measuring and Measuring Equipment
- Marking Off
- Hand Tools
- Workshop Tools
25 Days |
3. Hand Skills:
- Fabricate a Project Applicable to the Trade
- Keys & Locking Devices
- Threads and Pitches
- Basic Bearing Maintenance
- Lubrication
- Allowances & Tolerances of Fits
- Basic Gas Cutting & Welding
- Basic Arc Welding
40 Days |
4. Intermediate Training
- Materials Drawings & Sketches
- Principles & Techniques of Marking off
- Thermal Applications
- Machines
- Oxy – Fuel gas Cutting
- Oxy Fuel Gas Welding & Brazing
- Shielded Metal Arc Welding
- Gas Cutting and Heating
- Arc Welding
55 Days |
5. Keys & Locking Devices |
5 Days |
6. Basic Rigging |
5 Days |
8. Advanced Training
Boilermake Advanced
- Drawing and Sketches
- Gas Cutting and Heating – Advanced
- Advanced Arc Welding
- Developments & Structures
- Developments
- Structural Boiler making
- MIG & TIG Welding
60 Days |
9. Hydraulics
10 Days |
Electrical Apprenticeship
Description: |
Course Duration: |
1. Generic Training
- Induction
- Safety
- Basic First Aid training
- Basic Fire training
- Electrical Safety
15 Days |
2. Basic Workshop Practice:
- Materials, Engineering Drawings & Sketches
- Measuring and Measuring Equipment
- Marking Off
- Hand Tools
- Workshop Tools
25 Days |
3. Hand Skills:
- Fabricate a Project Applicable to the Trade
- Keys & Locking Devices
- Threads and Pitches
- Basic Bearing Maintenance
- Lubrication
- Electrical & Electronic Test Instruments
- Drawings & Sketches
- Cables & Conductors
40 Days |
4. Intermediate Training
Electrical 1
- Electrical & Electronic Test Instruments
- Drawings & Sketches
- Soldering
- Basic Gas Cutting & Heating
- Basic Gas Welding & Brazing
- Basic Arc welding
- Cables & Conductors
- A C Machines
- Transformers
- D C Machines
- Electronics & Protection Equipment
60 Days |
5. Basic Rigging |
5 Days |
6. Advanced Training
Electrical 2
- Conductors
- AC Machines
- Cables
- DC Machines
- Wiring & Installation
- Drawing & Sketches
- Fault Finding on Various Panels
65 Days |
Instrumentation Apprenticeship
Description: |
Course Duration: |
1. Generic Training
- Induction
- Safety
- Basic First Aid training
- Basic Fire training
- Electrical Safety
15 Days |
2. Basic Workshop Practice:
- Materials, Engineering Drawings & Sketches
- Measuring and Measuring Equipment
- Marking Off
- Hand Tools
- Workshop Tools
25 Days |
3. Hand Skills:
- Fabricate a Project Applicable to the Trade
- Keys & Locking Devices
- Threads and Pitches
- Basic Bearing Maintenance
- Lubrication
- Allowances & Tolerances of Fits
- Introduction to process control
40 Days |
4. Intermediate Training
Electrical 1
- Electrical & Electronic Test Instruments
- Drawings & Sketches
- Basic Gas Cutting & Welding
- Basic Arc Welding
- Soldering
- Cables & Conductors
- A C Machines
- Transformers
- Electronics & Protection Equipment
- Temperature measurement
50 Days |
5. Basic Rigging |
5 Days |
6. Advanced Training
- Introduction to process control
- Measurement Variables
- Temperature Measurement
- Final Control Elements
- Micro Processor
- Instrument Control Loops
55 Days |
Welder Apprenticeship
Description: |
Course Duration: |
1. Generic Training
- Induction
- Safety
- Basic First Aid training
- Basic Fire training
- Electrical Safety
15 Days |
2. Basic Workshop Practice:
- Materials, Engineering Drawings & Sketches
- Measuring and Measuring Equipment
- Marking Off
- Hand Tools
- Workshop Tools
25 Days |
3. Hand Skills:
- Fabricate a Project Applicable to the Trade
- Keys & Locking Devices
- Threads and Pitches
- Basic Bearing Maintenance
- Lubrication
- llowances & Tolerances of Fits
- Basic Gas Cutting & Welding
- Basic Arc Welding
40 Days |
4. Intermediate Training
Welding 1
- Materials Drawings & Sketches
- Principles & Techniques of Sketches
- Thermal Applications
- Machines
- Oxy – Fuel gas Cutting
- Oxy Fuel Gas Welding & Brazing
- Shielded Metal Arc Welding
35 Days |
5. Basic Rigging |
5 Days |
6. Advanced Training
Welding 2
- Oxy – Fuel gas Cutting
- Oxy Fuel Gas Welding & Brazing
- Shielded Metal Arc Welding Thermal Applications
- Gas Metal Arc Welding
- Gas Tungsten Welding
60 Days |