Draughting Services provides drawings and plans for: architectural metalwork. steelwork fabrication. manufacturing. engineering. building and construction.
Draughting Services In South Africa
Technical Draughting Services
Phone: 082 302 1499
SA Draughting Consultants
Phone: 079 785 8431
New Vision Design Draughting Services (Pty) Ltd
Phone: 082 303 5381
SM Draughting Services
Phone: 073 633 3116
PLD Draughting Services CC
Phone: 083 963 1315
Brian’s Architectural Draughting Services
Phone: 081 096 1049
The South African Institute of Draughting (SAID) is an independent professional body established in 1953 to promote the interests of all members in all professions constituting the Built Environment.
The Institute’s core objectives are to promote the practice of draughting and design; ensure that the integrity of the profession is adhered to by maintaining a disciplinary process through the Code of Conduct; manage all business in a fair, transparent and respectful manner.
The SA Institute of Draughting is the “Voice of the Draughtsperson” and strives to serve its members, interacting with all role players and associated industries, being mindful and conscious of necessary changes in the environment to transform and promote the profession.
Where can I study draughting in South Africa?
The Academy of Draughting is one of South Africa leading Draughting training institutions of its kind. Established in 1981 the Johannesburg and Durban campuses have been recognized and respected by the Engineers, Architects and Draughtsman industries for over thirty years.
How do you become a draftsman in South Africa?
Applicants must have graduated with a Diploma in Architectural Technology with:
an average of 70% for Architectural Design 1, 2 and 3,
65% for theory of architecture 1 and 2, as well as an average of 60% for Studio Work 1, 2, 3 and Construction and Detailing 1, 2, 3.
What qualifications does a draughtsman need in South Africa ?
You’ll need:
design skills and knowledge.
maths skills.
to be thorough and pay attention to detail.
excellent verbal communication skills.
knowledge of engineering science and technology.
thinking and reasoning skills.
the ability to work well with others.
the ability to use your initiative.
What are the duties of a draftsman in South Africa ?
Duties and Tasks:
Draft plans and detailed drawings used for structures, installations, or other construction projects. Review and revise rough sketches, drawings, designs, specifications, and other relevant data given by civil engineers to ensure that they apply and conform to design concepts.