Ehlanzeni TVET College Admission Requirement

Ehlanzeni TVET College Admission Requirement

contact for Ehlanzeni TVET College Admission Requirement
The recapitalization program has been embarked upon which will further improve the teaching, learning and facilitation conditions. The recap program focuses on the development of infrastructure, Human resource, business systems and procedures and purchase of LTSM and workshop equipment.
We wish to thank both the National and Provincial Departments of Education for the support.
2007 will be historical as the FET Colleges will break from the past by delivering high skills and highly technical programs which are a product of consultation between commerce business, industry and the Government. The new Curriculum will offer a variety of programs that articulate the demands of Government, business, industry and commerce, the PGDS, ASGISA / JIPSA, MDG and the HRDS.
Whilst facing out the old programs, Waterval Boven will focus on Hospitality and Tourism and Mthimba Campus will strictly be offering agriculture. Nelspruit campus will specialize in electrical infrastructure construction, office administration, finance, economics and accounting.
Mlumati will deliver engineering and related designs, electrical infrastructure construction and office administration.
KaNyamazane will concentrate on engineering and related designs.
Barberton campus will deliver management courses only.
Mapulaneng campus will focus on engineering courses.
Mathematics or mathematical literacy, life orientation and a language will be compulsory in the new curriculum. This will further add quality to the kind of gradates we intend to produce. Our graduates will be able to either work or proceed to higher education.
In addition to the nated programs that are delivered presently, the College is offering learnerships and skills programs which are aimed at providing skills to the adults, employed and out of school youth (OSY). Computer skills, dressmaking, carpentry and plumbing are being offered as skills programs. Concrete Moulding and driver’s license skills will be provided in 2007. SAPPI employees participate in the ABET program offered by the College.
The College has successfully delivered the local economic development (LED) and public administration (PA) learnerships.
It is worth mentioning that the College has successfully implemented its 2003 – 2006 strategic plan which culminated in numerous achievements and gains. The first three years was aimed at consolidating the intentions and goals of the merger process, which focused on infrastructure, curriculum development, learner support, human resource development, marketing and communication, projects and partnerships and good governance. It is now time to move to another new era that will be characterized by increasing enrolments at all sites, meaningful participation by business, commerce and industry and delivery of high tech skills that will lead to employment and better opportunities.
The support of parents, Government, learners and business has become necessary and more critical than before. We therefore appeal to all of you to be part of this wonderful, historical and empowering development in education and training. Let us open the window, there is a big world out there waiting for us.