Ekurhuleni West TVET College Admission Requirement

Ekurhuleni West TVET College Admission Requirement

Admission Requirements:
Examination and Assessments
To enrol for any of the NC(V) qualifications at The final pass mark is compiled by the Internal NQF Level 2, a prospective student:
Continuous Assessment mark and External must have a Grade 9 pass or a higher
Examination mark. Internal Assessment is continuous throughout the year and an External qualification / ABET Level 4; OR
Examination is written during November each must have an NQF Level 1 qualification.
year. The external examination also include an ISAT which is a practical assessment task. ISAT
To enrol for NQF Level 3: competency in exams are completed earlier in the year, before the written exam in November.
Learning Outcomes at NQF Level 2
To enrol for NQF Level 4: competency in Internal Continuous Assessment
Learning Outcomes at NQF Level 3
Internal Assessment comprises of Formative and
Pass Requirements: Summative Assessment.
You must pass all SEVEN subjects to obtain Summative Assessment includes class tests, standardized tests and performance tasks.
the NC(V) qualification at a particular level Formative Assessment is comprised of class and to progress to the next NQF Level work, assignments, research projects, etc. Both
The pass requirement for the four vocational Formative and Summative Assessment makes up a Portfolio of Evidence (PoE). This PoE is crucial
subjects is 50% per subject


Competency in Learning Outcomes at NQF Level 2/3 of the same


To obtain a National Certificate: A total of 7 subjects: 3 Fundamental and 4 Vocational Subjects.

Please note:The following subjects are compulsory fundamental subjects for all NC(V) programmes