Elangeni TVET College Admission Requirement

Elangeni TVET College Admission Requirement

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Elangeni TVET College provides higher education and training. We offer full-time, part-time and long distance learning. We offer education and training in 8 campuses in and around Durban, KwaZulu Natal.

Contact any Elangeni campus or click here for all programmes offered. First time applicants can apply through CAO (click here for a CAO form).

Elangeni College for Further Education and Training offers a variety of exciting campus-specific courses. Prior to enrolment, one should confirm with selected campus.
The Department of Higher Education and Training has made extrafunds available to assist academically performing learners who are in need of financial assistance. Click on this link for a summary of Student Support Services. For full details about the Student Suppport Services please download the College Prospectus here.

Elangeni TVET College is a Technical and Vocational Education

and Training institute. Situated in and around Durban, KwaZulu Natal. We provide higher education learning supported by the South African Department of Higher Education and Learning. We also approved by the South African Bureau of Standards.

We offer full-time, part-time and long distance learning with a range of programmes from eight of our campuses. We provide bursary programs including the National Students Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) and other financial support services.