Electronic Engineering | Durban University of Technology

Electronic Engineering | Durban University of Technology

The programme is designed to build the necessary knowledge, understanding and skills required towards becoming a competent practicing engineering technologist or certificated engineer. This qualification provides students with the preparation required for careers in electronic engineering, with graduates making a meaningful contribution to the economy and national development. Qualified candidates can register with the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA) as Professional Engineering Technologists.
The Department of Electronic Engineering offers a qualification that is primarily industry specific, and opportunities exist for successful candidates to pursue post graduate studies leading to a Masters and a Doctoral degree in Electronic Engineering. The Department is equipped with laboratories required for educating learners and boasts a complement of highly qualified and competent academic and support staff.
To be known for excellence in producing electronic engineering professionals who use engineering and technology for societal development in South Africa.

  • To produce socially responsible graduates attuned to the needs of industry, the environment and the community.
  • To ensure that teaching and learning follows best practice.
  • To engage in research and development activities that are responsive to national and international challenges in clearly defined areas of strength.
At Durban University of Technology, you will receive a vocationally oriented education that will prepare you to be functional in the fields of electronic engineering and computer systems engineering so that you make a meaningful contribution to commerce and industry. Learners completing the National Diploma will function at a level of a Technician and learners completing the B.Tech Degree will function at the level of a Technologist. In the field of Electronic Engineering, there is very little distinction between a Technologist and Engineering graduates from Universities.
As an electronic engineering professional you should be able to design, construct, manufacture, maintain and commission electronic circuits in the computer industry, telecommunications and electronics industry and in the manufacturing industry. Electronic systems control all the technologies around us. Electronic control systems are found in electricity supply networks, cell phone networks, factories, motorcars, radio and television, the banking system, the post office, the railways, harbours and ships, shopping centres, office complexes, etc.
Qualified electronics professionals are sought after by commerce and industry and can find employment in almost any industry.
Electronic Engineering | Durban University of Technology Programmes Offered
All courses are offered on a semester (six months) basis. Examinations are written in June and November and registration is in January. The Department offers three options to students studying towards the National Diploma or Bachelor of Technology:

  • Communications Engineering – Preparing you for a career in telecommunications.
  • Computer Systems – You will be suited to work in computer networks and software.
  • Process Instrumentation and Control – Large manufacturing industries will make use of your skills.

Applications to this programme must be made via the Central Applications Office (CAO):
Tel: 031 268 4444
Web: http://www.cao.ac.za

Electronic Engineering | Durban University of Technology Entry Requirements

Bachelor of Engineering Technology in Electronic Engineering
National Diploma: Engineering: Electrical LC Entry Requirements
National Diploma: Engineering: Computer Systems Entry Requirements
Bachelor of Technology: Engineering: Electrical (LC) and Computer Systems Entry Requirements
Master of Technology: Engineering: Electrical (LC)  Entry Requirements 
Doctor of Technology: Engineering: Electrical (LC) Entry Requirements
Electronic Engineering | Durban University of Technology Contact Details

Head of Department:

Mr KE Moorgas
Telephone: 031 373 2977
Email: kevinm@dut.ac.za
Location: Steve Biko Campus,
S8 Level 3

Mrs Premi Chetty
Tel: 031 373 2932
Email: premi@dut.ac.za
Location: Steve Biko Campus,
S8 Level 3