Extension And Advisory Services In South Africa

Extension And Advisory Services or rural advisory services using the Global Forum for Rural Advisory services definition as ‘consisting of all the different activities that provide the information and services needed and demanded by farmers and other actors in a rural setting to assist them in developing.

Extension And Advisory Services In South Africa

The agricultural extension service providers who have a stake in the NAEP can be grouped in three main categories: GOs, NGOs, and private sector and agribusiness enterprises.

What is agricultural extension and advisory services in South Africa ?

Agricultural extension and advisory services (EAS) can be defined as systems and mechanisms designed to build and strengthen the capacity of rural farmers and other stakeholders.

What is the status of private extension in South Africa?

There is no private company in South Africa that may be called as an extension advisory company. However, as the country enjoys a vibrant commercial agriculture sector, there are many private companies that are involved in various agricultural operations such as agro-processing and marketing.

What are challenges to agricultural extension services in South Africa?

Low morale, depression, economic worries, and less productivity are now common in extension organizations due to HIV/AIDS. Extension workers who by training are required to motivate farmers to try and adopt new agricultural technology are themselves depressed and frustrated, and this affects their output.

What is agricultural extension in South Africa?

The first 69 years of agricultural extension saw the establishment of a diversity of compartmentalized services: to the commercial (white) sector and to the black, Indian and Coloured communities. Agricultural co-operatives, community organizations and the private sector also rendered services.