Fashion Academy Network Fees
Class fees & payment options
1st Year: R 72 000.00
Payment option 1
Payment in full, on registration of R 72 000.00
Payment option 2
1st Payment of R 37 000.00 on registration.
2nd Payment of R 37 000.00 on (or before) June.
Payment option 3
The tuition fee is divided equally into eight parts and payable over a period of eight months.
R 9 500.00 p/m from the end of January to the end of August.
Additional funds will be required for the following items:
Text books will cost approximately R 11 000.00 for the 3 year training depending on fluctuations in the exchange rate.
Art kit consisting of pencil crayons, poster paints, brushes, etc.
Garment technology kit consisting of pattern making equipment such as rulers, tape measures, etc..
Consumables such as pattern paper, fabrics, zips, buttons, etc.
Lap-top computer with photoshop.
Domestic sewing machine.