Flavius Mareka TVET College Admission Requirement

Flavius Mareka TVET CollegeAdmission Requirement

Basic Computer Training

No previous experience in or knowledge of computer application programmes is required
Students enrolling for this course on N4 level must have a Senior Certificate with a National Introductory Certificate N4 Business Studies OR anappropriate National Certificate N3 OR a Senior National Certificate OR an equivalent qualification
Students enrolling for this course on N5 level must have a Business Management National Certificate N4 OR an equivalent qualification
Students enrolling for this course on N6 level must have a Business Management National Certificate N5 OR an equivalent qualification


Students enrolling for N3 level (part-time option available only) must have passed  N2 Engineering Studies OR at least 3 applicable grade 11 subjects at Higher or Standard Grade level with a pass grade in Mathematics and Physical Science (compulsory)

  • Students enrolling for this course on N4 level must have passed Grade 12 / Matric with a pass grade in Mathematics and  Science and one more applicable subject to the course OR  a certificate in N3 Engineering Studies with a pass grade in Mathematics and Engineering Science OR an equivalent qualification
  • Students enrolling for this course on N5 level must have an appropriate N4 National Certificate Engineering Studies with a pass grade in Mathematics and Engineering Science OR an equivalent qualification taking into consideration the pre-requisites for the instructional offering
  • Students enrolling for this course on N6 level must have an appropriate N5 National Certificate Engineering Studies with a pass grade in Mathematics and Engineering Science OR an equivalent qualification taking into consideration the pre-requisites for the instructional offering

Students enrolling for this course on N1 level must have passed grade 9 with a pass grade in Mathematics and Physical Science OR an introductory programme in Engineering Studies as determined by a FET College (NCOR) OR an equivalent qualification 
Students enrolling for this course on N2 level must have passed N1 Engineering Studies OR at least 3 applicable grade 10 subjects on Higher or Standard Grade level (Mathematics and Science are compulsory) * OR an equivalent qualification 
Students enrolling for N3 level must have passed  N2 Engineering Studies OR at least 3 applicable grade 11 subjects at Higher or Standard Grade level with a pass grade in Mathematics and Physical Science (compulsory)*
* Note: N2-N3 (full-time studies) is only open to a limited number of enrolments.  These full-time enrolments are ONLY for those who wish to access an apprenticeship. Grade 12 with Mathematics is being set as a minimum by industries for recruitment in apprenticeships.
Students enrolling for this course on N4 level must have passed Grade 12 / Matric with a pass grade in Mathematics and  Science and one more applicable subject to the course  OR  a certificate in N3 Engineering Studies with a pass grade in Mathematics and Engineering Science OR an equivalent qualification
Students enrolling for this course on N5 level must have an appropriate N4 National Certificate Engineering Studies with a pass grade in Mathematics and Engineering Science OR an equivalent qualification taking into consideration the pre-requisites for the instructional offering
Students enrolling for this course on N6 level must have an appropriate N5 National Certificate Engineering Studies with a pass grade in Mathematics and Engineering Science OR an equivalent qualification taking into consideration the pre-requisites for the instructional offering


Students enrolling for this course on N4 level must have a Senior Certificate OR an appropriate National Certificate N3 OR a Senior National Certificate OR anequivalent qualification
Students enrolling for this course on N5 level must have a Human Resource Management National Certificate N4 OR an equivalent qualification
Students enrolling for this course on N6 level must have a Human Resource Management National Certificate N5 OR an equivalent qualification


Students enrolling for N3 level (part-time option available only) must have passed N2 Engineering Studies OR at least 3 applicable grade 11 subjects at Higher orStandard Grade level with a pass grade in Mathematics and Physical Science (compulsory)
Students enrolling for this course on N4 level must have passed Grade 12 / Matric with a pass grade in Mathematics and Science and one more applicable subject tothe course OR a certificate in N3 Engineering Studies with a pass grade in Mathematics and Engineering Science OR an equivalent qualification
Students enrolling for this course on N5 level must have an appropriate N4 National Certificate Engineering Studies with a pass grade in Mathematics and Engineering Science OR an equivalent qualification taking into consideration the pre-requisites for the instructional offering
Students enrolling for this course on N6 level must have an appropriate N5 National Certificate Engineering Studies with a pass grade in Mathematics and Engineering Science OR an equivalent qualification taking into consideration the pre-requisites for the instructional offering


  • Students enrolling for this course on N4 level must have  Senior Certificate OR an appropriate National Certifiate N3 OR an equivalent quilification
  • Students enrolling for this course on N5 level must have  a Management Assistant National Certificate N4 OR an equivalent qualification
  • Students enrolling for this course on N6 level must have  a Management Assistant National Certificate N5 OR an equivalent qualification


Students enrolling for this course on N4 level must have a Senior Certificate OR an appropriate National Certificate N3 OR a Senior National CertificateOR an equivalent qualification
Students enrolling for this course on N5 level must have a Marketing Management National Certificate N4 OR an equivalent qualification
Students enrolling for this course on N6 level must have a Marketing Management National Certificate N5 OR an equivalent qualification


Students enrolling for this course on N1 level must have passed grade 9 with a pass grade in Mathematics and Physical Science OR an introductoryprogramme in Engineering Studies as determined by a FET College (NCOR) OR an equivalent qualification
Students enrolling for this course on N2 level must have passed N1 Engineering Studies OR at least 3 applicable grade 10 subjects on Higher orStandard Grade level (Mathematics and Science are compulsory) * OR an equivalent qualification
Students enrolling for N3 level must have passed N2 Engineering Studies OR at least 3 applicable grade 11 subjects at Higher or Standard Grade levelwith a pass grade in Mathematics and Physical Science (compulsory)*
Note: N2-N3 (full-time studies) is only open to a limited number of enrolments. These full-time enrolments are ONLY for those who wish to access an apprenticeship. Grade 12 with Mathematics is being set as a minimum by industries for recruitment in apprenticeships.
Students enrolling for this course on N4 level must have passed Grade 12 / Matric with a pass grade in Mathematics and Science and one more applicable subject to the course OR a certificate in N3 Engineering Studies with a pass grade in Mathematics and Engineering Science OR anequivalent qualification
Students enrolling for this course on N5 level must have an appropriate N4 National Certificate Engineering Studies with a pass grade in Mathematics and Engineering Science OR an equivalent qualification taking into consideration the pre-requisites for the instructional offering
Students enrolling for this course on N6 level must have an appropriate N5 National Certificate Engineering Studies with a pass grade in Mathematics and Engineering Science OR an equivalent qualification taking into consideration the pre-requisites for the instructional offering


  • Students enrolling for this course must have a National Senior Certificate

OR a National Certificate N3
OR a Senior Certificate of which half of the instructional offerings have been passed at the Standard Grade Level
OR four instructional offerings offered for the Senior Certificate with a minimum of 40% per instructional offering, including the first Language, and at least two of the following commercial instructional offerings:
– Economics
– Business Economics
–  Mercantile Law
– Accounting
–  Computyping/Typing

The National Certificate Vocational Civil and Engineering Construction NQF Level 2 – 4

  •  A year- end school report for Grade 9 or higher OR
  • A NQF Level 1 qualification OR
  • An approved bridging programme designed for the specific purpose to access NQF Level 2 OR
  •  A recognition of Prior Learning ( RPL) Assessment to meet the basic requirements for access to NQF Level 2