Friends of Design Print Design & Publishing
Print Design & Publishing
As well as provide you with the technical software skills you’ll need to survive in the print design industry, this course is geared towards giving you a thorough, overall understanding of graphic design and visual aesthetics.
Not only will you learn how to efficiently create awesome logos, brochures, book covers, adverts magazine layouts and more, but you’ll also learn how to work with the fundamental design principals and elements that permeate every creative profession.
What to Expect from your studies
The year is packed with theoretical & practical training that includes:
- Scamping techniques
- History of Desktop Publishing & Typography
- Conceptualisation Techniques
- Raster Image Editing & Manipulation
- Layout Design Principles & Techniques
- Brochure & Editorial Design
- Vector Illustration Principles & Techniques
- Corporate Identity Design & Cross Media Publishing
- Designing for Tablets & Mobile Devices
- Printed Portfolio Book Project
You will learn how to use the following Software Applications:
- Adobe® Photoshop®
- Adobe® InDesign®
- Adobe® InDesign® Digital Publishing Suite
- Adobe® Illustrator®
- Adobe® Acrobat®
On Completion
You will be able to do the following on completion of the course:
- Scamp creative ideas on paper using various mediums such as pencil, ink.
- Render drawings with increased speed & proficiency.
- Create professional-looking storyboards to express your conceptual ideas.
- Apply colour confidently in a designs and layouts.
- Apply the essentials of typography
- Apply the principles and elements of design to your creative work
- Hand-draw simple, original illustrations for your projects
- Produce a variety of printed media, including brochures, editorials, product packaging, wine labels and posters
- Produce interactive PDF presentations, cross media campaigns, online banners and flash micro-sites, including a mini digital Flash portfolio for online display.
You must be 18 years of age or older, you must have obtained a Matric Certificate and you must be fluent in spoken and written English. Previous Art or Design training at a school level is an advantage.
The Print and Publishing programme is a full time, One Year Certificate programme which requires you to be an active member of classroom activities. In order to determine if you are ready for the work set out, we have a few questions to ask you. Please provide answers to all the questions and submit the portfolio (PDF or Printed A4) with the documents requested in the enrolment application form.
Submission Requirements:
- You must be 18yrs or older – please submit a certified copy of your ID
- You must have Matric or a Grade 12 pass- please also include any other qualifications as well
Question 1 – Motivation
In an essay or a video, tell us about who you are.
For example: Tell us about your achievements and where you see yourself in 5 years. Provide details on what inspires and motivates you. Why do you want to attend Friends of Design? What has been an influencing factor on your life and what role within the Digital Design fields you are most interested in. What you believe would be the next best step for you once completing your Higher Certificate.
Attach a creative photo of yourself that shows your personality.
Question 2 – Creative Application
- 2.1. Creative self portrait
Create an image of yourself, showing your head and shoulders. You may use any medium of your choice, such as pen and ink, paint, collage, chalk, sand drawings, photography or selfies. Get creative and show your personality!
- 2.2. Create an abstract artwork
Choose a product you are familiar with at your local supermarket (Omo, Marmite, etc) and using the shapes, images, logo, illustrations, colours, etc found on the packaging, create an abstract artwork. You may use any medium of your choice (eg. markers, pencils, collage etc).
- 2.3. Advert analysis
Select an advert from any magazine and tell us if the advert is successful and why? Comment on the following to support your argument:Use of photographs and illustration, size of elements, and the use of the language in the headline, text and payoff line at the end. Is the advert appropriate for the target market? How and why?
Question 3: Digital Design
- 3.1 What is your understanding of Digital Design?
- 3.2 What bloggers or websites do you frequently visit, this does not include Facebook/Social Media sites.
- 3.3 Name any 2 Artists / Digital / Graphic Designers / Illustrators / Photographers that have influenced or inspired you and state why.
- 3.4 Name and identify a design trend (in any genre) you have noticed in South Africa.
Attached 3 to 5 pieces of your original artwork. These can be drawings/ paintings / photography / Illustrations etc. Yes, Instagram counts. Anything creative you have made yourself.
Please send all the above to Chanelle Perumal in a zipped file. Now accepting late submissions.
Note: Friends of Design reserves the right to alter the topics and modules of any advertised courses to meet or maintain industry standards. Friends of Design is provisionally registered as a private higher education institution in terms of section 54(3) of the Higher Education Act, 1997 (Act No 101 of 1997), and Regulation 16(4)(b) of the Regulations for the Registration of Private Higher Education Institutions, 2002, to offer the Higher Certificate in Print and Publishing course, until 31 December 2025.