Friends of Design Web Publishing & Interactive Media

Friends of Design Web Publishing & Interactive Media

Web Publishing and Interactive Media

Embrace the world of multimedia! This course brings your creative ideas and designs to life through practical training in web publishing, video production, visual effects and 2D animation.
Learn how to work with the visually impressive side of these mediums, and walk away with technical, behind-the-scenes skills in everything from HTML5, CSS3, Javascript and jQuery to CMS, responsive design, motion graphics and editing. Everything you need to prepare yourself for a career in web and interactive media.
NOTE: This course is not suitable for absolute beginners. You will need either basic skills in Adobe Photoshop or relevant work experience to cope with the design pressures of the web and motion graphics modules.

What to Expect from your studies

The year is packed with theoretical & practical training that includes:

  • Conceptualisation Techniques
  • Interactive Screen Design Theory
  • 2D Animation, Sound Editing & Motion Theory
  • HTML5 and Responsive Design
  • Game Design Theory
  • Electronic Book Publishing & ePubs
  • Web Technologies 2: WordPress
  • Motion Graphics 1: Animation, Compositing and VFX
  • Motion Graphics 2: Video & Post Production
  • Interactive Web based Portfolio & Showreel

You will lean how to use the following Software Applications:

  • Adobe Photoshop, After Effects, Premiere Pro, Audition and Edge
  • WordPress
  • Sublime Text
  • Sigil

Languages: HTML5/CSS3, jQuery/JavaScript

On Completion

You will be able to do the following on completion of the course:

  • Produce engaging web interfaces using current web technologies such as XHTML, CSS and WordPress.
  • Integrate various elements such as text, graphics, animations, video and sound for online, DVD or television usage.
  • Output your final works using the correct compressions, formats and media for effective viewing.
  • Include interactivity in a number of different genres of screen mediums through Actionscript.
  • Create engaging 2D animations, visual effects and compositions for online and television use.
  • Conceptualise, produce and professionally pitch a game design concept and visuals for an online campaign.


You must be 18 years of age or older, you must have obtained a Matric Certificate and you must be fluent in spoken and written English. Previous Art or Design training at a school level is an advantage.
Graphic Design, IT, Animation or Computer studies are advantageous for the Web Course, but not essential.

Submission Requirement

The Web Publishing & Interactive Media programme is a full time One Year Certificate programme which requires you to be an active member of classroom activities. In order to determine if you are ready for the work set out we have a few questions to ask you. Please provide answers to all the questions and submit the portfolio (PDF or Printed A4) with the documents requested in the enrolment application form.
Question 1 – Motivation
In an essay or a video, tell us about yourself and why you feel you are a good candidate to study Interactive Media and Web Publishing?
Tell us about your time at school, what you have recently been doing, any hobbies or interests that have lead you to study this topic further and what you want to do in the future. Also tell us about what you think the future of Interactive Media and Web Publishing will be? – What trends and new technology are you excited to see become accessible via the web? Finally let us know how you came to decide that FoD would be the place you want to study.  
Question 2 – Technical Requirements
2.1 Select a website you regularly visit and comment about how the site is put together or laid out. In no more than 500 words tell us why the site is great, or should be improved? Is navigating the site easy or difficult? Is the information easy to find and interact with? What parts of your experience with the site are fun and which are frustrating?
2.2. Film, Motion Graphics and Animation on the web require that we as designers know a little about how animations work, but more importantly how to tell a story in frames. Please draw up a simple, 12 panel storyboard which shows a stickman on a short adventure.
(Place 6 panels on one A4 page – Total 2 A4 pages)
Question 3: Digital Design
3.1 What is your understanding about how the internet and websites work?
3.2 Name 2 filmmakers, artists or designers that have influenced or impacted on your life/lifestyle and state why.
3.4 Can you identify any specific art or visual style that is common on the web or in films?
Attached 3 to 5 pieces of your original artwork. These can be drawings/ paintings / photography / Illustrations etc. Yes, Instagram counts. Anything creative you have made yourself.
Please send all the above to Chanelle Perumal in a zipped file.  Now accepting late submissions.
Note: Friends of Design reserves the right to alter the topics and modules of any advertised courses to meet or maintain what we feel the industry requires of graduates. Friends of Design is provisionally registered as a private higher education institution in terms of section 54(3) of the Higher Education Act, 1997 (Act No 101 of 1997), and Regulation 16(4)(b) of the Regulations for the Registration of Private Higher Education Institutions, 2002, to offer the Higher Certificate in Web Publishing & Interactive Media, until 31 December 2025.