How Much Does A Silver Tooth Cost In South Africa

Image result for WHAT IS Silver Tooth

Silver tooth crowns are a type of crown or cap that is used to cover and protect a damaged tooth from decay, infection and general damage to the tooth. Silver tooth crowns are typically made from amalgam, which is composed of mercury, tin, silver and copper.

How Much Does A Silver Tooth Cost In South Africa


How much is a tooth crown in South Africa?

The average cost of dental crowns can range between R 2000 for a temporary crown and R4000 – R6000 for a dental or porcelain fused to metal crown. The cost of a crown can vary based on the following factors: The brand of dental crown and quality guarantee. The number of crowns needed.

How much is platinum teeth in South Africa?

According to people interviewed, the trendy tooth can cost anywhere between R1 000 to R2 500, and there is even talk of a new “platinum tooth” although this could not be confirmed.

Is it painful to remove a gold tooth?

The condition of your current crown will determine how much treatment is actually needed. The procedure is relatively painless, but it should be noted that replacing it multiple times could affect the overall health of the tooth –increasing the chance of needing a root canal in the future.

How do you remove gold teeth?

Removing permanent gold teeth

Permanent gold teeth are trickier. Removing your permanent bling will require the expertise of your dentist. In order to not damage the abutment and remove the gold crown, the adhesive will need to be dissolved and the cap will need to be replaced with another permanent option.