How Much Does Abalone Cost In South Africa

Abalone is an edible mollusc of warm seas, with a shallow ear-shaped shell lined with mother-of-pearl and pierced with a line of respiratory holes.

How Much Does Abalone Cost In South Africa

How much is abalone per kg in South Africa?

The smaller the number of heads, the bigger the piece of abalone, and the bigger abalone costs more per unit weight. TRAFFIC has found that the biggest South African abalone costs, on average, about R10 000 per kilogram, more than double the price of smaller sizes.

Is selling abalone legal in South Africa?

The illegal trade of Abalone has exploded in recent years in South Africa.

Abalone poachers are paid in cash or often drug addicts are exploited for their disease and poached abalone is exchanged for crystal meth and heroin.

Where can I buy abalone in South Africa?

South African abalone has a wide but patchy distribution. It is distributed along the coast of Port St.Johns in the Eastern Cape through to Saldanha Bay in the Western Cape (Rhodes 2013; Visser-Roux 2011).

Is abalone endangered in South Africa?

These slow-growing animals are at severe risk of further decline in South African waters.

They are threatened by poaching, poor fishery management, and invasion by non-endemic species. By understanding abalone, we can play a role in securing its future.

Which brand of abalone is good?

New Moon

How is abalone managed in South Africa?

The harvesting of wild abalone is managed under a Total Allowable Catch (TAC) system, but poaching and overfishing have meant these gastropods usually don’t have enough time to replenish their stocks.

After three months, abalone spats become light-sensitive.