How Much Does Fuel Cost In South Africa

A fuel is any material that can be made to react with other substances so that it releases energy as thermal energy or to be used for work.

How Much Does Fuel Cost In South Africa

Fuel (Inland)December officialJanuary official
0.005% diesel (wholesale)R17.97R17.28

What is the price of 95 unleaded petrol in South Africa?

95 Unleaded will cost you around R19. 61 per litre in January 2024 compared to R20. 29 (inland) in December 2024. The wholesale price of diesel is expected to drop to R17.

What is the new petrol price in South Africa?

An increase of 2.20 c/l (i.e., from 41.46 c/l to 43.86 c/l) will be implemented into the price structures of petrol and diesel in line with the Self-Adjusting Slate Mechanism rules effective from the 5th of January 2024.

Why is petrol so expensive in South Africa?

There are two factors that influence the price of petrol, namely external and internal: External factors: The exchange rate – that is the price of the dollar vs the rand. Internal factors: These include rising prices in crude oil, transport costs, and taxes and levies.

Is petrol taxed in South Africa?

The levy increases are announced in February every year in the national budget and typically take effect on 1 April. The below graphic, provided by Outa, gives an overview of how fuel taxes over the past decade and what South Africans are currently paying in taxes: Fuel levy: R3. 83.