Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a treatment to relieve symptoms of menopause. It replaces hormones that are at a lower level as you approach menopause.
How Much Does HRT Cost In South Africa
HRT can cost up to R800 a month adding up to almost a quarter of a million rand on medication.
What is the best age to start HRT?
You can usually begin HRT as soon as you start experiencing menopausal symptoms and will not usually need to have any tests first. However, a blood test to measure your hormone levels may be carried out if you’re aged 40 to 45.
What are the requirements to start HRT?
The criteria for therapy include: (I) persistent well-documented gender dysphoria (a condition of feeling one’s emotional and psychological identity as male or female to be opposite to one’s biological sex) diagnosed by a mental health professional well versed in the field; (II) capacity to make a fully informed.
Does HRT make you look younger?
One of the benefits of hormone replacement therapy is that it can make you look younger.
Hormone replacement therapy, or more specifically estrogen, can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on the skin. It can also promote hair growth, which can contribute to a more youthful appearance.
Will my doctor prescribe HRT?
Speak to a GP if you’re interested in starting HRT.
You can usually begin HRT as soon as you start experiencing menopausal symptoms and will not usually need to have any tests first. A GP can explain the different types of HRT available and help you choose one that’s suitable for you.
Can HRT cause weight gain?
Many women believe that taking HRT will make them put on weight, but there’s no evidence to support this claim.
You may gain some weight during menopause, but this often happens regardless of whether you take HRT.
Exercising regularly and eating a healthy diet should help you to lose any unwanted weight.