How Much Does HSG Test Cost In South Africa

Hysterosalpingography, or HSG, is an X-ray test to outline the internal shape of the uterus and show whether the fallopian tubes are blocked. In HSG, a thin tube is threaded through the vagina and cervix. A substance known as contrast material is injected into the uterus.

How Much Does HSG Test Cost In South Africa

At Medium, the cost of the initial fertility consultation is currently R2,350.00, excluding the cost of tests or investigations. The investigation costs for female blood tests can be up to ±R4,500.00, depending on the tests requested, and for male blood tests, up to ±R4,500.00, depending on the tests requested.

Does HSG increase fertility?

The study confirms that the HSG procedure can help women with unexplained infertility get pregnant and shows that the chance of pregnancy is greatest if the oil-based contrast is used.

Does HSG clear blocked tubes?

One theory is that the dye flushes out the fallopian tubes, clearing minor blocks in some women. (Though HSG cannot repair or open the serious blockages.) If this is the case, the HSG test result will show unblocked fallopian tubes. However, some contrast may seem to stop and then continue on the x-ray.

Does HSG flush tubes?

Although HSG is used to check whether tubes are blocked, many women have actually conceived in the first three to six months after undergoing the procedures. This indicates that the so-called “flushing of the tubes” during the HSG process itself has a beneficial effect on fertility.

Where does the egg go if fallopian tubes are blocked?

If your fallopian tubes are completely blocked, an egg cannot travel through them to your womb.

You will need to be treated by a fertility specialist to become pregnant.

Your doctor may occasionally be able to open the tubes with surgery.

Can HSG detect fibroids?

The HSG procedure is not designed to evaluate the ovaries or to diagnose endometriosis, nor can it identify fibroids that are outside of the endometrial cavity, either in the muscular part of the uterus or on the outside of the uterus.