How Much Does Hymenoplasty Cost In South Africa

Hymen repair is the cosmetic repair, restoration, or construction of a woman’s hymen, and is often requested by women for physical, psychological, or cultural reasons. Restoration of the hymen is also known as hymenoplasty or revirginization.

How Much Does Hymenoplasty Cost In South Africa

But hymenoplasty comes at a price. The 30-minute operation costs between R15000 and R28000 overseas and women who have not given birth are advised not to try it.

How long does hymenoplasty last?

Healing takes about one month. The stitches are dissolvable and the scar is almost invisible after 1 to 2 months. The hymen is natural, the scars nearly invisible and hidden in the folds of the hymen. The operation usually lasts 30 minutes.

Is hymenoplasty surgery painful?

The surgery is completely painless as it is performed under local anesthesia. You can also choose to sleep by taking a sedative during the surgery if you have apprehensions regarding the procedure.

Can you walk after hymenoplasty?

It is extremely important to minimize activities including walking, stair climbing, “ups & downs”, heavy lifting (over 10-15 lbs.), all ambulating activities, etc. for two weeks after surgery.

How is hymenoplasty performed?

During a hymenoplasty, we restore the hymenal ring by taking a thin layer of tissue from the vaginal wall and placing it in the location of the torn hymen. It is a surgical procedure performed under either local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia.

Can you masturbate after hymenoplasty?

Myth 8: You can’t insert a tampon or masturbate once you do Hymenoplasty. Fact: Hymenoplasty is simply like bringing back your original hymen. If you were masturbating before Hymenoplasty, you could do the same after that as well.

What are the side effects of hymenoplasty?


  • Dizziness.
  • Pain beyond moderate discomfort after three days.
  • Unusual or foul-smelling discharge.
  • Intense itching.
  • Abnormal bleeding.
  • Inflammation.