How Much Does Hysteroscopy Cost In South Africa

Hysteroscopy is a medical procedure in which the uterine cavity is examined through the cervix using an endoscopic tube known as a hysteroscope. Abnormalities and problems related to the uterus may be diagnosed and treated during a hysteroscopy. Surgical sterilization may also be done using hysteroscopy which helps the doctor to locate an area for biopsy. Hysteroscopy may be performed as an alternative or in addition to dilation and curettage (D&C).

How Much Does Hysteroscopy Cost In South Africa

How is Hysteroscopy Performed?

Hysteroscopy is performed using a hysteroscope, which is a thin endoscopic instrument with a light and camera attached to its end.

A speculum is used to open the vagina.

Then the cervix is dilated and the hysteroscope is inserted into the uterus through the cervix.

Gas or fluid may be used to inflate the uterus.

Tiny surgical instruments can be passed through the hysteroscope which helps to surgically remove polyps and fibroids.

Tissue samples may be extracted for examination.

A magnified view of the uterus lining and uterine openings of the fallopian tube is viewed during hysteroscopy.

Patients experience mild cramping during the procedure if local anesthesia is used.

How to Prepare for Hysteroscopy?

The patient needs to go through a thorough physical examination.

The doctor should be informed if the patient is


Taking any medication

Allergic to any medication

Treated for any pelvic, uterine, cervical or vaginal infection 6 weeks prior to hysteroscopy

Suffering from heart or lung ailments

The patient is advised to undergo a hysteroscopy when the patient is not menstruating.

The patient should not use tampons, douche, or vaginal medicines for 24 hours prior to hysteroscopy.

Arrangements should be made for someone to drive the patient home.

How long does it take to recover from a hysteroscopy?

A D&C hysteroscopy is an excellent way to get to the root of heavy bleeding. There could be a range of reasons behind the condition.

The test can confirm the root cause and even treat some issues. The recovery time is short, only 2-3 days.

At what age can you remove your womb in South Africa?

A hysterectomy procedure is a surgical operation performed to remove the uterus (or womb). The procedure is a very common surgery around the world and about one in five women will undergo a hysterectomy procedure by the age of 55.