Implanon (etonogestrel) is a contraceptive used to prevent pregnancy.
How Much Does Implanon Cost In South Africa
Cost: According to the health department, Implanon costs R1 700 in South Africa’s private sector but is free for all women in the public sector. Efficacy: Less than one pregnancy per 100 women using it for a year.
Is Implanon available in South Africa?
Implanon NXT, a long-acting reversible contraceptive, was introduced in South Africa (SA) in early 2014, aiming to expand the method mix and increase its effectiveness. Initial uptake was high, but has since declined considerably.
Where can I get the contraceptive implant in South Africa?
The contraceptive implant is a small plastic rod-like object placed under the skin on the upper arm. It is available for free, accessible at public clinics and lasts for three years.
Do you need a prescription for Implanon?
There is only one type of contraceptive implant available in Australia, called Implanon NXT. The implant continuously releases small amounts of a hormone, progestogen, that prevents pregnancy. You need a prescription for the implant, and it needs to be inserted and removed by a trained doctor or nurse.
How long does an Implanon last?
It is the most effective method of contraception. It can last up to 3 years. Once inserted (put in) you can forget about it for 3 years.