How Much Does It Cost To Build Ice Rink In South Africa

What is Ice Rink?

An ice rink is a frozen body of water and/or hardened chemicals where people can ice skate or play winter sports. Ice rinks are also used for exhibitions, contests and ice shows.

How Much Does It Cost To Build Ice Rink In South Africa?

R19.84 million for construction costs (e.g. foundation, walls, roofing, etc.) R7742298.41 for mechanical and electrical works (e.g. plumbing, heating, electricity, etc.)

How is an ice rink made?

To create the skating surface the ice is built in layers. Water is carefully sprayed directly onto the concrete slab at around 1/32 of an inch thick. This layer freezes almost immediately when it hits the concrete and forms the base of the ice rinks skating surface.

What is the ice in an ice rink made of?

Indoor skating rinks almost always use cold concrete to make the ice. When the rink is built, miles of metal pipes are laid inside a concrete slab.

A large refrigeration plant (see How Refrigerators Work for a description of the refrigeration process) produces ice-cold glycol that runs through these pipes.

How long does it take for an ice rink to freeze?

Could take from 6 to 8 hours depending on the size.

How big is an ice rink?

The standard ice rink in North America measures 200 feet long by 85 feet wide. And every NHL game in North America is played on a standard-size rink, which means conditions in every building should be identical.