Orthodontic retainers are custom-made devices, usually made of wires or clear plastic, that hold teeth in position after surgery or any method of realigning teeth.
How Much Does Retainers Cost In South Africa
At this establishment, you get to pay R4,500 – R8,000 for an Orthodontic retainer, which entitles you to receive follow-up treatments. At this establishment Braces usually cost between R12,000 and R28,000, but for adults that price could be from R12,000 to R35,000.
How much does it cost to get a retainer?
What are the Different Types of Retainers? Retainers come in different types, each one with a corresponding price: Removable Hawley retainers are the most commonly used, and they cost around $150–$300 for a single dental arch (upper OR lower), or $300–$600 for both arches (upper AND lower).
Why are retainers so expensive?
The main factor in how much teeth retainers cost is the dentist markup. Dentists with large overheads naturally have a higher markup. Most of the removable retainer types are not made in the dentist’s office, but rather off-site at a dental lab. These labs take an impression and turn it into a retainer.
How long does a retainer last?
The lifespan of each depends on how well you take care of your mouth and the retainer. Both types of retainers can potentially last for years if you routinely clean and avoid damaging them. On average, removable retainers tend to last for about 5-10 years, while permanent retainers can potentially last for decades.
Do retainers hurt?
Are retainers supposed to hurt? A: They’re not supposed to hurt. If they do, contact the orthodontist. Retainer pain should not last more than a week.
What if I stop wearing my retainer?
A set of retainers will hold your teeth in place while your tissue catches up. … Though the process becomes slower and slower, if you stop wearing your retainer, your teeth will gradually move back to their original position. In a way, teeth remember their original position.
How long should I wear my retainer a day?
22 hours a day
Therefore, retainers should be worn for at least 22 hours a day, right after braces are removed. After 3-4 months, when your orthodontist feels your teeth are stable, you will be instructed to wear your retainers at night, every night; while you sleep