Rezoning is the action or process of assigning land or property to a different category of restrictions on use and development.
How Much Does Rezoning Cost In South Africa
The fee can range anywhere from R 7754.04to even R77540.42 if the property is in the 20-25 acre range.
If you there are planning and building offices in your municipality, ask your local zoning board for an application to petition, as well as if you need to notify the public regarding your rezone
How long does rezoning take in South Africa
In the case of rezoning, you are looking at a minimum 18 months for a relatively straightforward and unopposed application to be approved.
If there are objections to your rezoning application, the process can take anything from two to four years.
What is the process to rezone a property?
How to Rezone Property
Survey your property and surrounding area.
Do your research on the rules in your area.
Talk with your surrounding neighbors or landowners.
Application to rezone.
Planning Review.
Meeting with the planning commission.
Meeting with the governing body.
What are the types of zoning?
The three major activities and uses that define zones are: residential, commercial, and industrial.
How do I rezone my property in South Africa?
When property owners want to develop or use the property for a certain activity or purpose that is out of line with the applicable zoning regulations, they must appoint a town planner to apply for a “rezoning” at the Local Municipality in order to change/rezone the current zoning of the subject property.
When should you rezone a house?
Rezoning occurs when the classification assigned for the use of a piece of land is adjusted so that it permits the desired new purpose.
So, if you bought a piece of land or property that only permits residential use, you need to submit a rezoning request to your municipality before you can conduct business in the area.