Rhino Horn is the horn of a rhinoceros used in powdered form by traditional Chinese medicine practitioners to treat life-threatening fevers.
How Much Does Rhino Horn Cost In South Africa
The average price of the three adult males sold was just under R150,000 per animal.
The record price of a rhino sold by the park stands at about R330,000, but rhino prices have been steadily decreasing as the numbers of rhinos in private hands have increased.
Is it legal to sell rhino horns in South Africa?
While selling horns locally is now legal, it is almost impossible to get the necessary permits from the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA).
Legal trade makes considerable national economic sense. South Africa’s 20 000 white rhinos can produce 30 000kg of horn per year, providing R27bn income to the country.
How can you tell a real rhino horn?
When examining the base of the horn, one should pay attention to the shape. In many instances fake Rhino horn would have a more flat shape surface, whereas a deep concave profile is noticeable in a real Rhino horn.
Why are rhino horns so special?
Rhino horn is made up primarily of keratin – a protein found in hair, fingernails, and animal hooves.
When carved and polished, the horn takes on translucence and luster that increase as the object ages.
In ancient Greece, rhino horn was believed to have the ability to purify water.
What is inside a rhino horn?
Rhino horn is made up primarily of keratin – a protein found in hair, fingernails, and animal hooves.
When carved and polished, the horn takes on translucence and luster that increase as the object ages.
What is a rhino’s weakness?
Smell. While rhinos don’t have the best eyesight, they make up for the weakness by possessing an extraordinary sense of smell.
What is unique about rhinoceros?
These brilliant beasts are known for their awesome, giant horns that grow from their snouts – hence the name “rhinoceros’, meaning “nose horn”.
These incredible creatures are some of the biggest animals in the world!