How Much Does Roadworthy Cost In South Africa

Roadworthiness or street worthiness is a property or ability of a car, bus, truck or any kind of automobile to be in a suitable operating condition or meeting acceptable standards for safe driving and transport of people, baggage or cargo in roads or streets, being therefore street-legal.

How Much Does Roadworthy Cost In South Africa

All new and used cars sold in South Africa require a roadworthy certificate. A roadworthiness test at an accredited roadworthy center like AVTS takes about an hour and will cost just around R500.

How much does a roadworthy certificate cost in South Africa?

The Roadworthy test

DEKRA offers a roadworthy test that is recognized by NATIS, which costs R 720 for a normal passenger car. (Commercial vehicles over 3 500 kg add an extra R 200 to that charge). The roadworthy test takes less than an hour.

How long is roadworthy certificate valid in South Africa?

2 months

What does it mean when a vehicle is purchased with a valid roadworthy certificate? A roadworthy certificate is valid for a period of 2 months, and therefore a VALID roadworthy certificate means that the vehicle passed a roadworthiness test within the last 2 months.

How do I get a roadworthy certificate in South Africa?

You must have your motor vehicle tested for roadworthiness before you register it in your name.

If your motor vehicle is used for public transport or is a heavy-load vehicle (excluding buses), you must take it to be tested for roadworthiness every year before you renew the motor vehicle licence.

A bus must be tested for roadworthiness every six months.

It is your responsibility as the owner of a vehicle to have your vehicle tested. You can take it to a private or public vehicle testing station.

At the end of the roadworthy test, if passed, a notice is issued.

Go to the nearest vehicle testing station with the following:

vehicle’s registration certificate

identity document (ID)

prescribed fee. 

Complete the Application for certification of roadworthiness (ACR) form.

The application is processed on the same day.

Contact the relevant testing station.

Forms are obtainable at your nearest testing station.