How Much Does Roof Cleaning Cost In South Africa

Roof cleaning is the process of removing algae, mold, mildew, lichen, and moss from roofs.

Also cleaning oxidation on metal roofs.

The presence of soot, dirt, or biomass can affect how much sunlight is absorbed by a roof and thus the amount of heat a building absorbs.

How Much Does Roof Cleaning Cost In South Africa

150m2 – 199m2R3400.00+ R1000
200m2 – 249m2R3900.00+ R1000
250m2 – 299m2R4400.00+ R1500
300m2 – 349m2R4900.00+ R1500

How do I start a roof cleaning business in South Africa?

Start a roof cleaning business by following these 10 steps:

Plan your Roof Cleaning Business

Form your Roof Cleaning Business into a Legal Entity

Register your Roof Cleaning Business for Taxes

Open a Business Bank Account & Credit Card

Set up Accounting for your Roof Cleaning Business

Get the Necessary Permits & Licenses for your Roof Cleaning Business

Get Roof Cleaning Business Insurance

Define your Roof Cleaning Business Brand

Create your Roof Cleaning Business Website

Set up your Business Phone System

Is roof cleaning profitable?

Roof cleaning is a particularly profitable service. Your basic equipment costs – a chemical pump, chemicals, and some sort of rinsing mechanism (i.e., a hose or a pressure washer) – is low.

A ladder is also a good idea, although a lot of roofs can be cleaned directly from the ground.

How do I know when my roof needs cleaning?

If there are no leaks and no movement of the tiles, then the roof is in good condition with no need to replace it.

The build-up of dirt over the years may have made it look like the roof needed replacing.

Instead, your roof just needed cleaning by a professional.