How Much Does Screed Flooring Cost In South Africa

Screed has three meanings in building construction: A flat board or a purpose-made aluminum tool used to smooth and to “true” materials like concrete, stucco, and plaster after they have been placed on

How Much Does Screed Flooring Cost In South Africa

Tal Screedmaster


From R80/m2 (at 3mm thick)

Technical Finishes Smooth ’n Patch


Between R300 and R600/m2, including installation; prices vary depending on the thickness of the application.



About R135/m2 (if applied±5mm thick

Is screed flooring expensive?

You’ll also not need to worry about using heavy furniture, as screed sets into a solid, strong foundation for your room. Depending on a range of factors, the average screed floor cost can be quite affordable and due to its versatility and variety of benefits, using screed is always a wise choice.

Is concrete flooring expensive in South Africa?

“If you have existing concrete, you can look at anything from R300 to R800 per m² for exposed aggregate

This will depend on the size of the floor and condition. Obviously, a 70m² floor will cost more than a 1000m² floor,” says Geoff.

What flooring is best over concrete?

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Best Flooring for Concrete Slab Foundation

Engineered Wood. Natural hardwood flooring offers undeniable beauty and durability.

Vinyl. As a longstanding choice for kitchens and bathrooms, vinyl has a reputation for extreme water resistance.




When should you screed a floor?

Screeds are required when a colorful or functional floor is needed rather than a bare concrete surface.

For industrial purposes, or commercial locations, which will undergo frequent traffic, a more robust screed is required than is used in DIY or residential projects.