How Much Does Skin Peeling Cost In South Africa

Peeling skin is unintended damage to and loss of the upper layer of your skin (epidermis). Peeling skin may occur because of direct damage to the skin, such as from sunburn or infection. It may also be a sign of an immune system disorder or another disease.

How Much Does Skin Peeling Cost In South Africa

Glycolic PeelR820
TCA PeelR920
SRC Environmentally Damaged PeelR950
SRC Hyper-Pigmented Skin PeelR950

How much does a chemical peel cost in SA

To obtain the best results possible, a minimum of four to six EPS peels is recommended. The associated cost is R 690.00 per EPS peel, and there is no associated downtime.

Are skin peels worth it?

Chemical peels can reduce skin damage, giving the skin a more youthful or unblemished appearance.

A dermatologist will recommend the most appropriate chemical peel depending on a person’s concerns and skin type. Superficial peels are the safest for all skin types.

How long do skin peels last?

Peeling usually lasts 3-5 days, depending on the actual peel treatment.

The use of a gentle cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen is important, as it will enhance the healing process and results. Normal activity may be resumed after the peel, however, strenuous exercise and heavy sweating should be avoided for 2-3 days.

What deficiency causes skin peeling?

Niacin deficiency or vitamin A toxicity

Getting too little or too much of certain vitamins may cause your skin to peel.

Pellagra is a condition that results from a lack of vitamin B-3 (niacin) in the diet. It can lead to dermatitis, as well as diarrhea, and even dementia.

How much does a dermatologist consultation cost?

The private rates for consulting with a dermatologist may vary in South Africa but it is usually between R300 to R500 (2010) per consultation.