How Much Does Snus Cost In South Africa

Snus is a type of moist powdered tobacco, typically held in the mouth between the lips and gums.

snus costs R14.00 

Anglaholm Snus

Änglaholm – a high-quality snus tobacco blend by GNT Tobacco, with fruity and well-balanced cornel cherry flavors. 

Medium-strong nicotine experience in unmoistened chewing portion bags. Runs less and keeps its flavor longer. 

Regular size for that well-known feeling behind your lip.

Bull Dog Snus

Bull Dog is a near “All White” product with just a minimum of tobacco.

Powerful but well-rounded and flavorful flavor.

Extremely strong nicotine experience in unmoistened chewing portion bags. Runs less and keeps its flavor longer. Full-sized portions for that well-known feeling behind your lip.

Siberia Snus

One of the strongest nicotine experiences on the market worldwide.

Siberia snus has a nicotine level of up to 43mg/g – do you dare?

Oden’s Snus

Powerful but well-rounded and flavorful snus tobacco blend with clear and cooling flavors of real mint oils. 

Extremely strong nicotine experience in moistened chewing portion bags. Fast and powerful flavor release.

White Fox Snus

White Fox is a white, tobacco-free product. White Fox uses a special fleece material for the portion paper.

This unique material provides a symbiotic nicotine/flavour release when compared to traditional papers.

How do I stop snus?

Even before your quit date, you can start quitting.

Change to a brand with less nicotine.

Cut down on the number of times you dip each day, and increase the amount of time between dips.

Stock up on other things to put in your mouth.

Remove all snuff or chew and related products from your house and car.