Ordinarily, a SANAS BEE certificate is only valid for one year and by implication, you would be required to renew it afterwards.
The essence of renewing it is to grant the opportunity to reassess your operations including your annual turnover, how well you have improved on your Black Economic Empowerment status, and also see if you qualify for a raise in your rating or not.
Therefore when you want to renew your testimonial, all you have to do is to approach any of the SANAS accredited verification agencies.
You have the choice to either visit the agency that helped you out with the testimonial initially or you approach another agency.
What is important to SANAS is that whatever agency you contact is accredited to do so.
How do I renew my CIPC Bee certificate?
How do I get a CIPC BEE certificate?
- Generate a customer code. On the official website of the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC), you will click on the “Customer Registration” button.
- Pay the required fee.
- Request for your certificate.
How much is BEE certificate at CIPC?
Exempted Micro Enterprises (Private Companies / Close Corporations) with a turnover of no more than R10 million can use this platform to register for a B-BBEE certificate at no cost. PLEASE NOTE: CIPC B-BBEE certificates are free of charge.