International Academy Fitness Course

International Academy Fitness Course

Fitness Course is a full time one year course. Classes will run from Tuesday to Friday. A large part of the fitness academy is based on Case studies (practical application). The students have to work with 5 different sport specific client scenarios and specific sports injuries, completing a 12 week programme in order to see results. Regarding the training, a large percentage of the time is spent in the Virgin Active Gym on Long Street. Each student is responsible to have a contract with the gym in order to attend studio training, swimming and spinning classes as all workplace portfolio work is completed under qualified personal trainer supervision. We also have our own gym in the building, with state of the art equipment, where case studies is completed before and after hours. Personal training certificate, Gym instruction diploma and Sports Massage certificates are amongst the qualifications available on Itec level. A national certificate to ensure a good foundational knowledge component is issued in combination with Itec to ensure a well-rounded overall qualification. The certificate has programme approval Cathsseta.

Job opportunities include

  • Group training professional
  • Personal trainer/gym instruction trainer
  • Sports massage therapist, working closely with a sports team, assisting physiotherapists
  • Work on board Steiner cruise liners.
  • Own your own gym


Fitness Full Time Fitness Part Time
Applied Anatomy and Biomechanics Applied Anatomy and Biomechanics
Communication Communication
Design Exercise Program Design Exercise Program
Disabilities in Sport Disabilities in Sport
Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship
Exercise Physiology Exercise Physiology
Fitness Components Fitness Components
Group Training Fitness Equipment and Environment
HIV Policies Functioning In a Team
Motivational Skills Group Training
Nutrition Health and Safety Training
Professional Values and Ethics HIV Policies
Project Planning Motivational Skills
Risk Management Nutrition
Screening Professional Values and Ethics
Self Organisation Project Planning
Social Features in Workplace Risk Management
Special Needs Screening
Wellness Concepts Self Organisation
Social Features in Workplace
Special Needs
Wellness Concepts