Mnambithi TVET College courses offered

 Mnambithi TVET College courses offered

National Certificate Vocational

Course Type National Certificate (Vocational)
Description / Definition NC(V) programmes are delivered under the auspices of the Department of Higher Education and Training and quality assured by Umalusi. The programmes integrate theory and practice and provide students with a broad range of knowledge and practical skills within specific industry fields.
Duration 3 Years (1 year per level)
Qualification Full Certificates on NQF Level 2, 3 and 4
NC(V) Level 4 Certificate is equivalent to National Senior Certificate (matric)
Admission Requirements Grade 9 + college requirements set per programme
Bursaries Bursaries available for financially needy and academically qualifying students.
Course Type Skills Programme
Description / Definition These programmes are based on a cluster of NQF registered unit standards and are offered under the auspices of SETAs and quality assured by SETA ETQAs. Skills programmes can build up to a full qualification.
Duration Specific to programme *
Qualification Part qualification with credit recognition towards full qualification
Admission Requirements Specific to programme *


Ezakhei B Campus Ezakheni E Campus
1. Welding 1. Carpentry
2. Brick Laying 2. Automotive Repairs
3. Plumbing 3. Welding
The functions of the Business Unit are to co-ordinate and facilitate training programmes to promote local economic development. These programmes are mainly funded the Department of Economic Development.
Programmes co-ordinated by this unit include:

  • • Computer Skills
  • • Basic Business Management Principles
  • • Practical Skills Training (Brick Laying, Carpentry, Hospitality, Motor vehicle Maintenance, Welding and Basic Computers)

SMME Training

  • • Advanced Business Management Principles
  • • Customer Specific Training

Other Services rendered by the Business Unit:
• CIPRO Registration
• Assist in application for Tax Clearance Certificates
• Assist in application for ZNT Registration Numbers
Assist in Compiling of Business Plans
• Business Mentoring