National Senior Certificate Subjects
To qualify for a National Senior Certificate, candidates should offer a minimum of 7 subjects as follows:
- Two official languages, at least one at Home Language level
- Mathematical Literacy or Mathematics
- Life Orientation
- Minimum of 3 subjects from the NSC approved subjects
- A candidate may not offer more than 4 languages in the package of 7
There are additional subjects that are recognized for the National Curriculum Statements. These are as follows: Equine Studies, Nautical Science, Maritime Economics, Modern Greek (from 2009), Sports and Exercise Science (from 2010). Only one of these can be offered as part of the 7 subject programme. They may be offered in addition to the 7 subject package.
In all subjects, a portfolio of evidence will contribute 25% and final examination 75%. Practical /performance assessment components may contribute up to a further 25%, making the final examination in such cases worth 50%.
Life Orientation will be assessed through a combination of a portfolio of evidence and prescribed subject specific practical assessment i.e. no external examination.
Seven levels of competence are provided for:
Description of achievement | Marks/percentage |
Rating code |
Outstanding | 80 – 100 | 7 |
Meritorious | 70 – 79 | 6 |
Substantial | 60 – 69 | 5 |
Adequate | 50 – 59 | 4 |
Moderate | 40 – 49 | 3 |
Elementary | 30 – 39 | 2 |
Not achieved | 0 – 29 | 1 |
Pass requirements
In order to qualify for a National Senior Certificate, a learner must achieve:
- A minimum rating of 3 i.e. 40% or more, in 3 subjects. One of the 3 subjects must be an official language at Home Language level.
- A minimum rating of 2 i.e. 30% or more, in 3 other subjects.
- It is compulsory for a learner to pass an official language at home language level i.e. at 40% or above.
- If a learner offers more than the minimum number of 7 subjects, passes in the additional subjects will be taken into account when determining whether a learner has met the minimum requirements.
In order to qualify for entry into further study at the Higher Certificate level, a learner must:
- Pass the NSC
- Meet the language requirement for further study at a South African institution, namely, one of the two official languages offered by learner must be either English or Afrikaans. To meet the language criterion to qualify for entry to study at a tertiary education institution, the learner must pass either English or Afrikaans at least at the 1st additional level i.e. at 30% or more.
In order to qualify for entry into further study at the Diploma level, a learner must:
- Pass the NSC as follows:
- One official language at home language level at 40%
- 3 other subjects at 40%
- 2 subjects at 30%
- Meet the language requirement for further study at a South African institution, namely, one of the two official languages offered by learner must be either English or Afrikaans. To meet the language criterion to qualify for entry to study at a tertiary education institution, the learner must pass either English or Afrikaans at least at the 1st additional level i.e. at 30% or more.
The key difference between qualifying for entry to diploma study rather than higher certificate study is that the learner must achieve 40% or more in 4 subjects (incl. the official language at home language level) rather than just 3 subjects.
In order to qualify for entry into further study at the Bachelor Degree level, a learner must:
- Pass the NSC as follows:
- One official language at home language level at 40% or more
- 4 subjects from the designated list of subjects at 50% or more
- 2 subjects at a minimum of 30%
- Meet the language requirement for further study at a South African institution, namely, one of the two official languages offered by learner must be either English or Afrikaans. To meet the language criterion to qualify for entry to study at a tertiary education institution, the learner must pass either English or Afrikaans at least at the 1st additional level i.e. at 30% or more.
The list of designated subjects which will be in place for 3 years from 2008 is as follows:
- Accounting
- Agricultural Sciences
- Business Studies
- Dramatic Arts
- Economics
- Engineering Graphics and Design
- Geography
- History
- Consumer Studies
- Information Technology
- Languages (one language of learning and teaching at a higher education institution and two other recognised language subjects)
- Life Sciences
- Mathematics
- Mathematical Literacy
- Music
- Physical Sciences
- Religion Studies
- Visual Arts
- In respect of music, it is only the National Senior Certificate Music course that is considered a designated subject. At this stage no other music courses are considered designated. They are recognised as NSC subjects but are not considered to be ‘designated’ for the purpose of qualification for degree studies.
- Non-designated subjects may contribute towards the Admission Points Score (APS) and may be recognised as an institution or faculty specific entry requirement. Learners must check their results against specific institutional requirements for the course of study they wish to follow.
Very important to note: Specific institutional and programme needs may have a specific language requirement, a specific level of performance in Life Orientation or require appropriate combinations of recognised National Senior Certificate subjects and levels of achievement. Learners must check their results against specific institutional requirements for the course of study they wish to follow.
Grade 12 National Senior Certificate Subjects and Codes
Subject Code | Subject |
Subject Code | Subject |
N12AFRH | Afrikaans Home Language | N12AFRF | Afrikaans First Additional Language |
N12ENGH | English Home Language | N12ENGF | English First Additional Language |
N12XHOF | IsiXhosa First Additional Language | N12ZULH | IsiZulu Home Language |
N12ZULF | IsiZulu First Additional Language | N12SEPF | Sepedi First Additional Language |
N12SESF | Sesotho First Additional Language | N12SETF | Setswana First Additional Language |
N12SISH | SiSwati Home Language | N12SISF | SiSwati First Additional Language |
N12MALI | Mathematical Literacy | N12MATH | Mathematics |
N12LIFO | Life Orientation | N12DANS | Dance |
N12DESN | Design | N12DRAM | Dramatic Arts |
N12MUSC | Music | N12VISA | Visual Culture Studies / Visual Arts |
N12ACCO | Accounting | N12BUSS | Business Studies |
N12ECON | Economics | N12ARAS | Arabic Second Additional Language |
N12FRES | French Second Additional Language | N12GERH | German Home Language |
N12GERS | German Second Additional Language | N12GUJH | Gujarati Home Language |
N12GUJF | Gujarati First Additional Language | N12GUJS | Gujarati Second Additional Language |
N12HEBS | Hebrew Second Additional Language | N12HINS | Hindi Second Additional Language |
N12TALS | Italian Second Additional Language | N12LATS | Latin Second Additional Language |
N12MODS | Modern Greek Second Additional Language | N12PORH | Portuguese Home Language |
N12PORF | Portuguese First Additional Language | N12PORS | Portuguese Second Additional Language |
N12SPAS | Spanish Second Additional Language | N12VENF | Tshivenda First Additional Language |
N12CIVT | Civil Technology | N12EGAD | Engineering Graphics and Design |
N12GEOG | Geography | N12HIST | History |
N12RELS | Religion Studies | N12COAT | Computer Applications Technology |
N12INTE | Information Technology | N12LISC | Life Sciences |
N12PHSC | Physical Sciences | N12CONS | Consumer Studies |
N12HOSP | Hospitality Studies | N12TOUR | Tourism |
N12EQUS | Equine Studies | N12SPSC | Sports and Exercise Science |
N12ABRS6 | Royal Schools of Music Practical Grade 6 | N12ABRS7 | Royal Schools of Music Practical Grade 7 |
N12ABRS8 | Royal Schools of Music Practical Grade 8 | N12TCL6 | Trinity College of London Practical Grade 6 |
N12TCL7 | Trinity College of London Practical Grade 7 | N12TCL8 | Trinity College of London Practical Grade 8 |
N12TCL6 | Trinity College of London Performer’s Licentiate | N12UNM6 | Unisa Practical Music Grade 6 |
N12UNM7 | Unisa Practical Music Grade 7 | N12UNM8 | Unisa Practical Music Grade 8 |
N12UNML | Unisa Performer’s Licentiate in Music | ADPM | Advanced Programme Mathematics |
ADVM | Advanced Mathematics |