Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University Logo

Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University Logo

The Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University logo is the visual expression of what our University stands for, what sets it apart and what it aims to achieve.


The circular nature of the outer element suggests cyclical and continuous change – a key element of a university, fostering fresh thinking and innovation. It is also suggestive of a rising sun, a new dawn – the birth of a new university. The circle is a symbol of unity, with the triangular elements representing diversity, as well as engagement and interaction, both amongst ourselves and our stakeholders in the broader external community. The inner element emphasises that we are a people-centred organisation, striving to optimise the potential of all our people. It is also suggestive of a learning and supportive environment. The globe represents our international sphere of influence, as well as our connection to our natural resources.


The Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University is a university “for tomorrow” – we nurture innovation, foster creativity, embrace technology, and develop people to meet the challenges of the world of tomorrow. “For tomorrow” also symbolises our commitment to sustainable development – development that meets today’s needs and can be continued into the future.
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