Postgraduate Diploma in Business Management
The purpose of the Postgraduate Diploma in Business Management is to equip candidates with broad-based
theoretical and practical knowledge and skills in the field of management. It will enhance their capacity for lifelong
learning, which will improve their decision making potential.
Deep reflection and awareness of the socio-economic and environmental context of business underpins all the
programme modules.
Programme Teaching Method
The programme is offered in part-time mode only, over one year.Students can register for either evening or block release classes.
1. Block release PGDBM:
Lectures will be held in 4 blocks per semester. Each block consists of 4 consecutive full day lectures (8h00 – 17h00). Lectures are held at the Westville Campus and start in 2025.
2. Part-time PGDBM:
Lectures are held Monday – Thursday from 18h00 – 20h30. Sometimes lectures are re-scheduled on Friday evenings or Saturday during the day. Lectures are held at the Westville Campus and start 2025.
Programme Modules
First Semester
- Business Research Methodology
- Principles of Business Leadership and Management
- Economics for Managers
- Accounting for Managers
Second Semester
- Organisational Behaviour
- Management Information Systems
- Marketing for Managers
- Theory and Practice of Entrepreneurship