Sedibeng TVET College Courses Offered

Sedibeng TVET College Courses Offered


Subjects which make up a National Certificate (Vocational)

In order to obtain a NC(V), a student is required to take a total of seven subjects. These include three fundamental subjects and four vocational subjects.

What are the fundamental subjects?

  • Language: English which is the language of teaching and learning.
  • Mathematical Literacy.
  • Life Orientation.


Subjects which make up a National Certificate (Vocational)

In order to obtain a NC(V), a student is required to take a total of seven subjects. These include three fundamental subjects and four vocational subjects.

Which are the fundamental subjects?

  • Language: English which is the language of teaching and learning.
  • Mathematical Literacy.
  • Life Orientation.

Vocational Subjects
Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Management Practice Management Practice Management Practice
Operations Management Operations Management Operations Management
Financial Management Financial Management Financial Management
Entrepreneurship Project Management Project Management
Vocational Subjects
Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Hospitality Generics Hospitality Generics Hospitality Generics
Food Preparation Food Preparation Food Preparation
Client Service & Human
Relations Client Service & Human
Relations Client Service & Human
Hospitality Services Hospitality Services Hospitality Services