South Africa Sports Bursaries

South Africa Sports Bursaries

Who can apply for sports bursaries?
Are you gifted in a certain sport? You could capitalize on your talents and hard work by applying for a sports bursary.
A sports bursary is different to an academic bursary in that it is only awarded to individuals who have achieved in one or more sporting activities.
This enables students who are not necessarily academically-minded to gain access to a higher education.
Universities and colleges offer sports bursaries to improve the standard of sport at the institution and to ensure that aspiring and talented individuals continue their academic and sporting careers in the province.
Bursaries can be awarded for sports like rugby, football, cricket, hockey, chess, athletics, volleyball and many more.
Some bursary donors offer added academic support to beneficiaries. These bursaries are ideal for individuals who wish to pursue a career in sports.
If you have represented your country in any sport, at a national schools or age-group level, you could be eligible to receive this financial grant.
Smaller bursaries are also administered to students who have been awarded Half Colours; Colours; and Honours for their achievements.
The conditions of the sports bursary will depend on the university or benefactor.
A sports bursary is not to be confused with bursaries that are awarded for sports studies. Individuals who want to study sports related fields such as Sport Science or Sport Management have to apply for an academic bursary as with any other academic field.

See The Comprehensive Bursary Schemes Here