Stellenbosch University Accommodation

Stellenbosch University Accommodation

Accommodation For Students With Disabilities

University Residences

Stellenbosch University can accommodate about 6 500 students in approximately 31 university residences and other university accommodation on the Stellenbosch Campus. The five residences on the Tygerberg Campus, where the Faculty of Health Sciences is situated, house a further 1 000 students. Most Maties studying on these two campuses (there are more than 30 000 students in total) make use of private accommodation in Stellenbosch and its environs.
Students who are placed in any one of these residences are under the supervision of a Residential Head. The Residential Head, in turn, is assisted by a house committee. In each residence there are also mentors. Mentors are senior students who are appointed in residences and Private Student Organizations (students who live privately) to assist new students with their adjustment to university life. Each new student should have access to a mentor. The mentor already plays an important role during the welcoming period with general assistance regarding university life queries and psychosocial support. Through the mentor, the new students have the opportunity to partake in the Wellness programme of the University, which aims to enhance the wellness of students throughout the year.

Residence facilities

  • Each room has a network point for connecting your own computer to the University’s network, electronic information resources, the Internet and web-based e-learning tools.
  • Laundry facilities
  • A common “living room” area for socialising, watching TV or just “hanging out”
  • All the women’s residences, and some of the men’s, also have a communal and/or private lounge area where visitors can be received and entertained.
  • Most of the residences boast lovely courtyards and/or gardens for play and relaxation.


Huis ten Bosch
Huis Marais
Huis Visser
Huis Neethling (Maties Sport)
Huis MacDonald
Huis de Villiers
Russel Botman House
 Huis Francie van Zijl
Ubuntu House

Private accommodation

What is a PSO?

All students who do not live in University residences are divided into PSO wards. PSO is short for Private Student Organisation – the organisation that caters for students who do not live in residences in order to allow them a similar social structure to that enjoyed by “res” students. Please take note that PSO’s do not provide accommodation – it is the students’ own responsibility to find suitable private accommodation.

In terms of a resolution by the Council of the University, every student in private lodgings shall become a member of the Private Students’ Organisation (PSO) and pay the membership fee. There are ten PSO wards on the Stellenbosch Campus and one on the Tygerberg Campus. Newcomer students are divided electronically and randomly into PSO wards. Students are informed by e-mail of the specific PSO ward they have been allocated to. The PSO wards are:

Venustia (women)
Equité (women)
Silene (women)
Aristea (women)
Libertas (men)
Oude Molen (men)
Pieke (men)
Vesta (men)
Aurora (men and women)
Olympus (men and women)
Osler (Tygerberg Mixed-gender Private ward)

What is a cluster?

Together with the residences, PSO wards form clusters. The PSO ward to which a student has been allocated also determines the cluster to which that student belongs. A cluster consists of a number of residences and PSO wards that are grouped together. Clusters play a significant role in the integration and support of newcomer students on campus, particularly by means of mentor groups for such students. Subsequently, clusters ensure that students experience the University as a caring and nurturing place, and so that residence students, day students and students who have private accommodation are integrated.

See also: Centre for Student Structures and Communities

Where can I find private accommodation?

Please take note that it is the students’ own responsibility to find suitable private accommodation. Students can enquire about private accommodation at the following links:

Nooitgedacht Private Student accommodation

Stellenbosch rental agents


Campus Key

Ivy League
Click here

Eikenhof Private Hostel
Click here

Status of Residence application

Click here for application status .

If you have forgotten your password and username, please send an e-mail to

Cancellation of residence placement

1. The University will only accept a residence placement cancellation if you submit it in writing or by e-mail. Therefore, please send any cancellation to fax number 021 808 3822 or e-mail address at the Residence Placement Office, and remember to include your student number and the reason for your cancellation.
2. Without having submitted such a notice, you will unfortunately not qualify for any possible reimbursement of the acceptance amount.
3 The University will use the date of receipt of your written notice as the official date for calculating any monies owed.
4 In respect of cancellations of residence placement, the acceptance amount will be dealt with as follows:
4.1 If you cancel on or before 31 October, the University will reimburse you the full acceptance amount.
4.2 If you cancel after 31 October, the University will charge a cancellation fee of R640.
4.3 If you cancel after the first Monday after the release of the NSC results, you will unfortunately forfeit the full acceptance amount.
4.4 If you have not arrived by the time that the welcoming programme starts, you will forfeit the full acceptance amount and the University will also cancel your residence placement.
4.5 If you are not admitted to your study programme or, due to circumstances beyond your control, are unable to take up the residence placement for which you have already paid the required acceptance amount, you may apply for reimbursement in writing. Address a fully motivated letter to the Residence Placement Office and send it to
4.6 However, keep in mind that the decision to reimburse any monies ultimately rests with the University.
5 Place in residence is allocated for the full academic year. If you cancel your place in the course of the academic year, you will need to pay a cancellation fee of 30% of the outstanding residence fee.


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